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Greenhouse Effect

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Discussion 1
Global Warming
The overall temperature on earth is increasing due to burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and
industrial waste. Earth’s atmosphere contains high concentration of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and
oxygen gases. Anthropogenic and natural activities like burning of fossils, volcanic eruptions,
glacial melting and deforestation release these gases into the atmosphere which cause a slight
increase in earth’s temperature and changes heat balance. This process of warming the earth is
called global warming [World Meteorological Organization (2014)].
Greenhouse Effect
When anthropogenic and natural activities on earth release gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen and
nitrogen into the atmosphere, these gases cannot escape the atmospheric layer and get trapped
there. As a result, earth’s atmospheric temperature increases. This effect of global warming is
called greenhouse effect and released gases are called greenhouse gases [World Meteorological
Organization (2014)].
Greenhouse gases
Those gases which cause global warming and greenhouse effect are called greenhouse gases.
Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen and Oxygen, Methane and Chlorofluorocarbon are the prime
greenhouse gases [World Meteorological Organization (2014)].

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Natural Causes of greenhouse effect
Some natural causes of greenhouse effect are Volcanic Eruption, Snowfalls, Rains and
Glacial Melting.
Anthropogenic Causes of greenhouse effect
Some anthropogenic causes of greenhouse effect are Industrial waste, excessive use of
refrigerators and air conditioners and burning of coal [EPA (2014)].
Reducing greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect can be controlled by renewal of coal energy and replacing it with
nuclear energy and release of carbon dioxide can be minimized. Less use of refrigerators
and air conditioners will result in less release of chlorofluorocarbons into atmosphere
[Lennart Kiil (2014)].
Greenhouse effect and global warming are affecting earth more and more annually. We
should take serious steps to minimize this effect. Steps like renewal of energy sources,
stopping deforestation, less use of refrigerators and air conditioners and storage of carbon
dioxide from plantations to stop it from going into atmosphere can be taken to reduce this

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Discussion 1 Global Warming The overall temperature on earth is increasing due to burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and industrial waste. Earth’s atmosphere contains high concentration of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen gases. Anthropogenic and natural activities like burning of fossils, volcanic eruptions, glacial melting and deforestation release these gases into the atmosphere which cause a slight increase in earth’s temperature and changes heat balance. This process of warming the earth is called global warming [World Meteorological Organization (2014)]. Greenhouse Effect When anthropogenic and natural activities on earth release gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen into the atmosphere, these gases cannot escape the atmospheric layer and get trapped there. As a result, earth’s atmospheric temperature increases. This effect of global warming is called greenhouse effect and released gases are called greenhouse gases [World Meteorological Organization (2014)]. Greenhouse gases Those gases which cause global warming and greenhouse effect are called greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen and Oxygen, Methane and Chlorofluorocarbon are the prime green ...
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