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Theories Of Emotion Discussion

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Theories of Emotion
Institutional Affiliation

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I had visited my brother at his workplace, and we were seated in his office conversing.
An overhead power cable passes just in front of his office, and many trees are a few meters away
from the power cables. His office's front wall is all made of glass and on the second floor, and it
was drizzling. At the moment, we are sitting both of us overlooking the streets through the
translucent glass wall. All over a sudden, we heard a crackling sound, and we kept attentive and
gazed through the translucent wall. My heart had already started pounding as many thoughts
crossed my mind. For instance, thoughts of the office block falling crossed my mind, and fear
had started to engulf me. As we looked, a tree fell on the power lines, and there was a loud
sound, and a large flame of fire followed. In the next moment, we were both scampering to find
the stairs. I was the first one to jump from my chair and realized that my brother followed me.
James-Lange theory
Interpreting this scenario with the James-Lange theory of emotion, my witnessing of the
crackling sound and subsequent fall of a tree on overhead power transmission cables resulting
into a loud sound and a large flame of fire was a stimulus strong enough to make my heart race
which is a physiological change as thoughts of the fire spreading to the building filled my mind.
My interpretation of this physical reaction of heart-racing was that I was frightened. This caused
me to dash out from my seat to escape.
Cannon-Bard Theory
Cannon-Bard Theory of emotion posits that physiological response and emotion are
simultaneous (Egger, Ley, & Hanke, 2019). Thus, in this scenario, when I heard of the crackling
sound, the loud sound and saw the flames, fear engulfed me as my heart pounded, and the

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Running head: THEORIES OF EMOTION 1 Theories of Emotion Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date THEORIES OF EMOTION 2 Scenario I had visited my brother at his workplace, and we were seated in his office conversing. An overhead power cable passes just in front of his office, and many trees are a few meters away from the power cables. His office's front wall is all made of glass and on the second floor, and it was drizzling. At the moment, we are sitting both of us overlooking the streets through the translucent glass wall. All over a sudden, we heard a crackling sound, and we kept attentive and gazed through the translucent wall. My heart had already started pounding as many thoughts crossed my mind. For instance, thoughts of the office block falling crossed my mind, and fear had started to engulf me. As we looked, a tree fell on the power lines, and there was a loud sound, and a large flame of fire followed. In the next moment, we were both scampering to find the stairs. I was the first one to jump from my chair and realized that my brother followed me. James-Lange theory Interpreting this scenario with the James-Lange theory of emotion, my witnessing of the crackling soun ...
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