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World Religion

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World Religion

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World Religion
What percentage of adults in the United States is Christian? About 65% (Statista, 2020)
What percentage of adults in the U.S. are members of non-Christian faiths? 23.3% (Statista,
What are the largest religious groups in the world? The largest religious groups in the world
include Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism (Pew Research Center, 2012).
What percentage of the population of the world is religious? About eighty-five percent of the
universe's population is religious (Pew Research Center, 2012).
What is the largest minority religion in your home state or country? Do you happen to
know any members of the minority group?
The largest minority religion in my home state is Judaism. The population of individuals
in this religion is about eight percent. I happen to recognize some members of the minority group
due to multiple reasons. The first reason why I am aware of some members is that we normally
interact when participating in leisure activities. In addition, group discussions have made me
identify members of the minority group. Furthermore, social media platforms such as Facebook
and many others have enabled me to recognize members of this religious group. Moreover,
religious activities and communal activities have introduced me to some of the Jews. Finally, the
trips which I have made to different Temples have enabled me to know some members of
One of the members of this minority group whom I have known is recognized as Rabbi,
Richard Jacobs. With the help of digital sources, I have realized that Rabbi Jacobs has spent
about twenty years as a flexible and idealistic leader at Westchester Reform Temple (WRT). In

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1 World Religion Name Institution Course Professor Date 2 World Religion What percentage of adults in the United States is Christian? About 65% (Statista, 2020) What percentage of adults in the U.S. are members of non-Christian faiths? 23.3% (Statista, 2020) What are the largest religious groups in the world? The largest religious groups in the world include Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism (Pew Research Center, 2012). What percentage of the population of the world is religious? About eighty-five percent of the universe's population is religious (Pew Research Center, 2012). What is the largest minority religion in your home state or country? Do you happen to know any members of the minority group? The largest minority religion in my home state is Judaism. The population of individuals in this religion is about eight percent. I happen to recognize some members of the minority group due to multiple reasons. The first reason why I am aware of some members is that we normally interact when participating in leisure activities. In addition, group discussions have made me identify members of the minority group. Furthermore, social media platforms such as Facebook and many others hav ...
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