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Midcare Assumptions.

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Indiana University of Pennsylvania
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MIDCARE Assumptions
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Business Framework and Theory
Middleboro Medical Center is a health system that was designed to cater to the needs of
individuals in Hillsboro County. Even though the facility is primarily focused on taking care of
the health needs of its residents, the institution has faced numerous challenges. The first main
problem was the extended wait that individuals who have Psychosis have to endure to be
transferred to appropriate service providers. This is a major challenge to the patients and the
facility in general since it has the potential of increasing the mortality rate of individuals who
visit the hospital for care. In this case, the business theory that would best suit this situation
would cover both the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. In this case, the theory of
bureaucratic management, which was developed by Max Weber, and it contains essential
elements that include the structure of an organization into having a hierarchy form. But the
problem, in this case, is that the hierarchy is causing a problem since patients have to wait for
long periods to receive assistance.
The bureaucratic management theory entails that the organization has to maintain some form
of hierarchy. That hierarchy is evident when patients have to wait before being transferred to the
appropriate service providers. This aspect implies that information passed in the chain of
command is slow and that Middleboro Medical Center has to improve on its service to patients
with Psychosis. Another issue that faced the organization is that the president, all senior vice
presidents and the board attended a two-day summit to discuss issued facing Middleboro
Medical Center. The problem was that all attendees agreed that the issues discussed would not be
communicated to other parties until every individual has had the chance to study all the strategic
options that were presented including all the most appropriate ways to address them. The
business framework included in this problem is business communication structure. The

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Running head: MIDCARE ASSUMPTIONS MIDCARE Assumptions Students Name Institution Name 1 MIDCARE ASSUMPTIONS 2 Business Framework and Theory Middleboro Medical Center is a health system that was designed to cater to the needs of individuals in Hillsboro County. Even though the facility is primarily focused on taking care of the health needs of its residents, the institution has faced numerous challenges. The first main problem was the extended wait that individuals who have Psychosis have to endure to be transferred to appropriate service providers. This is a major challenge to the patients and the facility in general since it has the potential of increasing the mortality rate of individuals who visit the hospital for care. In this case, the business theory that would best suit this situation would cover both the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. In this case, the theory of bureaucratic management, which was developed by Max Weber, and it contains essential elements that include the structure of an organization into having a hierarchy form. But the problem, in this case, is that the hierarchy is causing a problem since patients have to wait for long periods to receive assistance. The bureaucratic management theory entails that the organization has to maintain some form of hierarchy. That hierarchy is evident when patients have to wait before being transferred to the appropriate service providers. This aspect implies that information passed in the chain of comma ...
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