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Practicum Reflective Journal

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Grand Canyon University
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Practicum Reflective Journal

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Practicum Reflective Journal
New Practice Approaches
The pediatric profession is a crucial sector of healthcare professionals as it involves the
provision of care to children, infants, and adolescents. Pediatricians have different types of roles
and responsibilities in the health promotion and improvement of children. Pediatricians are
involved in the life of a child since birth, and they provide monthly check-ups to infants based on
the evaluation and assessment of the growth and development of the child (Toruner & Altay,
2018). The professionals also engage in the aspects of performing physical examinations to the
children, provision of vaccinations, ensuring the children attain the milestones of growth,
behaviors, and skills, diagnose and treat different types of diseases, keeping records of the
child’s health and growth behaviors, and offer guidance to the parents and guardians of a child
concerning growth and health issues. New trends of pediatric programs have helped in promoting
the health and fitness of children based on the improved and availability of technology and
resources in pediatric processes.
Inter-professional Collaboration
The success and development of the healthcare system have incorporated the aspects of
collaboration and effective communication between health professionals. Collaboration and
interaction have influenced the approach of sharing information, ideas, and access to critics and
advice in health promotion. Inter-professional collaboration is a term used to demonstrate the
effectiveness and the impacts of partnership and teamwork between the healthcare professionals.
For instance, pediatricians have engaged in collaborative processes that have been crucial in
enhancing the outcomes of pediatric procedures (Bode et al., 2016). The collaboration within the
pediatric departments has been essential as it has involved having a helping hand when

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Running head: PRACTICUM REFLECTIVE JOURNAL Practicum Reflective Journal Name Institution 1 PRACTICUM REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 2 Practicum Reflective Journal New Practice Approaches The pediatric profession is a crucial sector of healthcare professionals as it involves the provision of care to children, infants, and adolescents. Pediatricians have different types of roles and responsibilities in the health promotion and improvement of children. Pediatricians are involved in the life of a child since birth, and they provide monthly check-ups to infants based on the evaluation and assessment of the growth and development of the child (Toruner & Altay, 2018). The professionals also engage in the aspects of performing physical examinations to the children, provision of vaccinations, ensuring the children attain the milestones of growth, behaviors, and skills, diagnose and treat different types of diseases, keeping records of the child’s health and growth behaviors, and offer guidance to the parents and guardians of a child concerning growth and health issues. New trends of pediatric programs have helped in promoting the health and fitness of children based on the improved and availability of technology and resources in pediatric processes. Inter-professional Collaboration The success and development of the healthcare system have incorporated the aspects of collaboration and effective communication between health professionals. Collaboration and interaction have influenced the ...
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