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Kaplan College San Diego
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Social Media Marketing
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Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing has transformed significantly over the last decade. Exciting new
features have been introduced in social media marketing. For instance, at the beginning of the
decade, Facebook functioned like a wall through which message status could be posted. Now it
has been transformed, and it functions as a timeline. Twitter is no longer restricted to 140
characters like it used to be in 2010. Instead, the limit has been increased to 280. Additionally, it
now supports the use of GIFs, photos, and videos for better social media marketing. More social
media platforms have also been introduced, such as Vine, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Snapchat,
among others. One organization that does this well is Uber. The company has realized that
people’s attention span is currently low. The organization, therefore, markets its services mainly
through short videos and images on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitter to share as much content as
According to Zhou et al. (2018), the advantages of digital and social media marketing
include finding new markets using a small investment, using a well-planned digital marketing
campaign to reach specific people at lower costs, having measurable results to establish how a
campaign has been and building customer loyalty by getting involved in the social media
Response to Joseph Longo
Your post reminds me that ten years ago, the smartphones available were few in number.
Indeed, people today are glued to their smartphones, where almost every member of the family
owns a smartphone. The number of hours an average person spends looking at a screen,
especially in social media platforms, is astonishing. It is no surprise, therefore, that social media

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Running head: SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Social Media Marketing Name of Student Institution Affiliation Course Date 1 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 2 Social Media Marketing Social media marketing has transformed significantly over the last decade. Exciting new features have been introduced in social media marketing. For instance, at the beginning of the decade, Facebook functioned like a wall through which message status could be posted. Now it has been transformed, and it functions as a timeline. Twitter is no longer restricted to 140 characters like it used to be in 2010. Instead, the limit has been increased to 280. Additionally, it now supports the use of GIFs, photos, and videos for better social media marketing. More social media platforms have also been introduced, such as Vine, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Snapchat, among others. One organization that does this well is Uber. The company has realized that people’s attention span is currently low. The organization, therefore, markets its services mainly through short videos and images on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitter to share as much content as possible. According to Zhou et al. (2018), the advantages of digital and social media ma ...
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