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Grand Canyon University
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What is the Christian concept of the imago Dei? How might it be important to health
care, and why is it relevant?
Response 1
The concept of Imago Dei indeed is about the creation of humans in the image of
God. According to Christianity, humans were created in the image as well as the likeness of
God. However, the doctrine applies to the inner nature of humans rather than the physical
nature of humans (Iozzio, 2017). Therefore, as the colleague puts it, the concept is used to
advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Regardless of a person’s physical nature,
their inner selves are all in the image of God. Humans are abilities that mirror God’s ability to
think rationally and make decisions based on logic. Rational thinking enables people to
decide on right and wrong. In healthcare, the concept promotes the equal treatment of people
regardless of their race, abilities, and ethnicities. Healthcare professionals should treat all
people with dignity because they are persons and personhood involves having Godlike
abilities like feeling and thinking creatively and wisely among other characteristics.
Iozzio, M. J. (2017). Radical dependence and the Imago Dei: Bioethical implications of
access to healthcare for people with disabilities. Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical
Studies in Medical Morality, 23(3), 234-260.
Response 2
I agree with the colleague that the concept of Imago Dei concerns spiritual likeness
rather than the physical likeness. People are equal because they were all created in the image
of God. The characteristics of humans that are unique from all other creatures include their
high intellectual abilities, rational thinking, and morality. While humans make moral

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Running head: RESPONSES 1 Responses Name Institution RESPONSES 2 Responses What is the Christian concept of the imago Dei? How might it be important to health care, and why is it relevant? Response 1 The concept of Imago Dei indeed is about the creation of humans in the image of God. According to Christianity, humans were created in the image as well as the likeness of God. However, the doctrine applies to the inner nature of humans rather than the physical nature of humans (Iozzio, 2017). Therefore, as the colleague puts it, the concept is used to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Regardless of a person’s physical nature, their inner selves are all in the image of God. Humans are abilities that mirror God’s ability to think rationally and make decisions based on logic. Rational thinking enables people to decide on right and wrong. In healthcare, the concept promotes the equal treatment of people regardless of their race, abilities, and ethnicities. Healthcare professionals should treat all people with dignity because they are persons and personhood involves having Godlike abilities like feeling and thinking creatively and wisely among other characteristics. Reference Iozzio, M. J. (2017). Radical dependence and the Imago Dei: Bioethical implications of access to healthcare for people with disabilities. Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 23(3), 234-260. Response 2 I agree with the colleague that the concept of Imago D ...
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