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Marketing Plan

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Running Head: UNDER ARMOUR 1
The Under Armour Marketing Plan
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The Under Armour Marketing Plan
Marketing Segmentation
Marketing segmentation is a marketing strategy that includes segmenting a broad target
market into smaller consumer groups with similar desires and needs. After dividing these buyers
into smaller teams, the firm must adopt approaches to target the buyer's desires and needs using
media channels, giving them a higher chance of reaching the buyers. Under Armour targets the
population of individuals who are seeking to stay in shape and stay fit. At first, Under Armour
targeted younger athletics, especially those at the collegiate level. Nonetheless, as their firm has
developed its target consists of children, men, and women of all ages. Since their commodity
seems to be more expensive than some of their competitors, they target buyers who have higher
incomes and are more financially stable.
Each individual is capable of playing video games at any age. This becomes apparent
when looking at their stores' distribution. Mostly, the firm sells its commodities to wholesalers
who have a great financial background (Subramanian and Gopalakrishna, 2017). This implies
that the existing gaming industry opportunity will help reach various customers at all ages back
at home. Under Armour views that they target their buyers by utilizing a selective distribution
approach, this is utilized for commodities that are not present in each retail store. However, there
are some within a geographical place. The firm will use video games for advertising their
merchandise by dressing the characters with sporting goods and sports apparel because they
know many individuals play them.
Under Armour firm, who sells sports-related commodities, initially required retail stores
to reach their target population. However, the introduction of video games via their name will
facilitate the external industry of the company. Seemingly, in the last ten years, there has been an

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Running Head: UNDER ARMOUR 1 The Under Armour Marketing Plan Student’s Name University Name Course Date UNDER ARMOUR 2 The Under Armour Marketing Plan Marketing Segmentation Marketing segmentation is a marketing strategy that includes segmenting a broad target market into smaller consumer groups with similar desires and needs. After dividing these buyers into smaller teams, the firm must adopt approaches to target the buyer's desires and needs using media channels, giving them a higher chance of reaching the buyers. Under Armour targets the population of individuals who are seeking to stay in shape and stay fit. At first, Under Armour targeted younger athletics, especially those at the collegiate level. Nonetheless, as their firm has developed its target consists of children, men, and women of all ages. Since their commodity seems to be more expensive than some of their competitors, they target buyers who have higher incomes and are more financially stable. Each individual is capable of playing video games at any age. This becomes apparent when looking at their stores' distribution. Mostly, the firm sells its commodities to wholesalers who have a great financial background (Subramanian and Gopalakrishna, 2017). This implies that the existing gaming industry opportunity will help reach various customers at all ages back at home. Under Armour views that they target their buyers by utilizing a selective distribution approach, this is utilized for commodities that are not ...
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