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Science Meets Real Life

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Science Meets 1
Science Meets Real Life

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Science Meets 2
Science Meets Real Life
The scientific method involves the steps that are applied when investigating a phenomenon in
society. When a phenomenon is discovered in society the scientific method will be applied to
prove or disprove the hypothesis that has been developed. The scientific method begins with
asking a question about the phenomena and then doing background research. Next step in the
scientific method is constructing a hypothesis. The hypothesis is a statement made by the
research involving the relationship of variables in the research. The fourth step is to test the
hypothesis by doing an experiment followed by analyzing the data and drawing conclusions. The
last step in the scientific method is to communicate the results.
Scenario One
In scenario one a student that is attending a KU Online science class has been asked to
explain global warming to their family member. The scientific method will be used to show the
family members how scientists have made the determination that global warming is occurring.
One important aspect of global warming is climate change. Earth's average temperature has risen
by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred
years (EPA, 2013). As a result of the temperature change there have been droughts, flooding,
heat waves, and changes in rainfall amounts.
Applying the scientific method the first step is asking the question. In this case the question is
global warming causing climate change? Next background research will be conducted in order to
develop a better understanding of the research topic. According to the EPA the evidence is clear
that small changes in temperature caused by global warming have resulted in climate changes
across the globe. Global warming is the rise in temperature but climate change is the change in

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 Science Meets Real Life Name Class Date Professor Science Meets Real Life The scientific method involves the steps that are applied when investigating a phenomenon in society. When a phenomenon is discovered in society the scientific method will be applied to prove or disprove the hypothesis that has been developed. The scientific method begins with asking a question about the phenomena and then doing background research. Next step in the scientific method is constructing a hypothesis. The hypothesis is a statement made by the research involving the relationship of variables in the research. The fourth step is to test the hypothesis by doing an experiment followed by analyzing the data and drawing conclusions. The last step in the scientific method is to communicate the results. Scenario One In scenario one a student that is attending a KU Online science class has been asked to explain global warming to their family member. The scientific method will be used to show the family members how scientists have made the determination that global warming is occurring. One important aspect of global warming is climate change. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years (EPA, 2013). As a result of the temperature change there have been droughts, flooding, heat waves, and changes in rainfall amounts. Applying the scientific method the first step is ...
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