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Investing At Astrazeneca.edited

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Campbellsville University
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Investing At AstraZeneca

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Investing At AstraZeneca
Investing in a strong business and that reinvests its dividends to profits is one of the most
attractive ways of growing your wealth. Sometimes investors buy popular dividend stock due to
its yield, but later lose their money when the dividends from such a company don't yield the
anticipated results. Many investors find AstraZeneca amazing since it yields 3.3% and has paid
dividends for more than ten years. Most investors have purchased the company shares due to the
amount of income it brings (Viña et al., 2019). This paper will examine different reasons why
someone would choose to invest in AstraZeneca.
Payout Ratios
The company pays its dividends based on its earnings. If a company pays more dividends
than it earned, then the dividend might be unsustainable which a hard ideal situation. The
simplest way of checking whether the company's dividend is sustainable is by comparing its
dividend payment against its net profit after tax. Looking at our previous data analysis, it is
evident that 164% of AstraZeneca's profits were remitted as dividends for the last one year.
Unless there is a serious concern, from an investor's perspective, I would advise my friends to
invest in the company for so long, since a payout ratio of more than 100% is the best. Another
point of concern is checking if the free cash flow generated is enough to cater for dividends.
AstraZeneca paid out 100% of its free cash flow, which is a bit concerning if the cash flow is not
projected to improve (Ucha, 2015). Since the AstraZeneca’s dividends were well covered by
earnings and cash flow, I would advise my friends to invest since these dividends are not at risk
in the long term.

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Running head: INVESTING AT ASTRAZENECA Investing At AstraZeneca Name: Institution: Date 1 2 INVESTING AT ASTRAZENECA Investing At AstraZeneca Investing in a strong business and that reinvests its dividends to profits is one of the most attractive ways of growing your wealth. Sometimes investors buy popular dividend stock due to its yield, but later lose their money when the dividends from such a company don't yield the anticipated results. Many investors find AstraZeneca amazing since it yields 3.3% and has paid dividends for more than ten years. Most investors have purchased the company shares due to the amount of income it brings (Viña et al., 2019). This paper will examine different reasons why someone would choose to invest in AstraZeneca. Payout Ratios The company pays its dividends based on its earnings. If a company pays more dividends than it earned, then the dividend might be unsustainable which a hard ideal situation. The simplest way of checking whether the company's dividend is sustainable is by comparing its dividend payment against its net profit after tax. Looking at our previous data analysis, it is evident that 164% of AstraZeneca's profits were remitted as dividends for the last one year. Unless there is a serious concern, from an investor's perspective, I would advise my friends to invest in the company for so long, since a payout ratio of more than 100% is the best. Another point of concern is checking if the free cash flow generated is enough to c ...
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