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B2b Market Segmentation

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Kennesaw State University
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Market Segmentation

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Market Segmentation
The marketing strategy theory and future strategic planning is a specific concept and
articulated by various companies in different directions. Marketing, as a central philosophy of
leadership, is extracted from the key goals of the organization in terms of choosing the
manufacturing process, products, sales strategy, and marketing design. The promotion definition
refers in general to the leadership methodology, which aims to fulfill the desires and wishes of
the customer. The marketing principle notes that how the organization achieves its success (retail
industry goals) is more feasible than rivals in producing, distributing, and educating consumer
motivation. Target Corporation, in particular, is one of the main retailers in the country, even
considering the high competition from Amazon, Costco, and Wal-Mart. The business is among
the most established companies in the United States, with a steady increase in market share
(Target, 2020). Target Corporation has been the second-largest chain in the United States, with
more than 1800 retail stores. Target operates in every state, excluding Vermont. The company
markets a range of products, including basic household objects, clothing, grocers, and lines of
branded products. Based on the company’s performance both in the recent and long-haul, the
company has used segmentation as one of the strategies which guide its market positioning and
definition of market strategies.
Certain organizations cannot reach the entire market for a single commodity. Marketing
strategies must be formed for each different component of the industry that an institution wants
to focus on. Attempting to develop a marketing mix for all aspects of the target market would be
very costly in the retail market, which is highly competitive (Segmenting, Positioning, Targeting,
2011). It is also imperative to note that the development of these strategies is, in most cases,
determined by the approaches developed by the competition. Alternatively, businesses limit their
targets to other client categories, which are more geographically suited for achieving success.
Segmentation ranges also depending on whether the target audience is a consumer or an industry.
Market segmentation in the retail industry, which Target operates, provides a straightforward
knowledge of the needs of retail consumers. With a clear awareness of market segmentation,
business owners and promotional staff can create methods for meeting specific requirements and
interests for customers. The mechanism separates consumers into distinct categories centered on
their preferences in terms of their goods or service. Also, for a retail organization, consumer
segmentation is quite helpful for the development of a personalized marketing strategy for
different customers. The main segmentation components include demographic, geographic,
psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.
Geographical segmentation is a product category by nation, town or county location,
population density, or geography. The density of the market is the number of individuals or
companies in a given sector. To satisfy regional choice and shopping behavior, numerous firms
regionally segment their markets. In this segmentation process, the company locates its outlets
and stores in residential areas where the customers will have easy access to the stores. This
industry is highly dependent on geographical segmentation since it determines the number of
returning customers. Target, in particular, sells household goods, which should be easily
accessible by customers closer to where they live as opposed to the populated urban areas. The
firm operates in the highly competitive retail industry. This industry has an extremely imitable
business strategy that is solely based on the collection of data, analysis, storage, and productive
analytical procedures (Gregory, 2015). The high dependency on data, especially for the complex

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Running head: MARKET SEGMENTATION Market Segmentation Name Institution 1 MARKET SEGMENTATION 2 Market Segmentation The marketing strategy theory and future strategic planning is a specific concept and articulated by various companies in different directions. Marketing, as a central philosophy of leadership, is extracted from the key goals of the organization in terms of choosing the manufacturing process, products, sales strategy, and marketing design. The promotion definition refers in general to the leadership methodology, which aims to fulfill the desires and wishes of the customer. The marketing principle notes that how the organization achieves its success (retail industry goals) is more feasible than rivals in producing, distributing, and educating consumer motivation. Target Corporation, in particular, is one of the main retailers in the country, even considering the high competition from Amazon, Costco, and Wal-Mart. The business is among the most established companies in the United States, with a steady increase in market share (Target, 2020). Target Corporation has been the second-largest chain in the United States, with more than 1800 retail stores. Target operates ...
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