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Project Management 1

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Computer Science
University of Maryland University College
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Project Management
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Project Management
Project management is the use of skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools to achieve
objectives designed to meet a specific criterion. The importance of the project management
department comes from the fact that the division fosters the success of a project. For a proper
understanding of this importance, a project is a set of inputs that contribute towards the
attainment of a predetermined goal. Therefore, project achievement leads to the success of an
organization. However, project management is not a one-person task but rather a team effort,
which means that the activity comprises various positions and roles that focus on ensuring
success: hence, studying in project management provides a person with the ability to assume
various project management positions. In this regard, this essay is a self-reflection of project
management roles that I would consider on completion of my project management studies.
On completion of the project management program, I would consider the roles as a
project manager, a member of the steering committee, and a team leader. In regards to project
managers, Crawford explains that the world is shifting towards the consideration project
manager (PM) competence. According to Crawford, PM competence exists in two dimensions,
which are competence and attribute-based. Concerning attribute-based competence, the primary
considerations are on inputs and personal factors. The inputs section focuses on the knowledge
and skills of a manager, whereas the personal factors focus on the personality traits of an
individual. On the other hand, performance-based proficiencies concentrate on the outputs
achieved by a person (Bredillet, Tywoniak & Dwivedula, 2015). A project manager's role is to
control the overall activities relating to a project and liaise with the stakeholders and sponsors on
how to tackle the project.

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1 Running head: PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management Student's name Student's institution 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management Project management is the use of skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools to achieve objectives designed to meet a specific criterion. The importance of the project management department comes from the fact that the division fosters the success of a project. For a proper understanding of this importance, a project is a set of inputs that contribute towards the attainment of a predetermined goal. Therefore, project achievement leads to the success of an organization. However, project management is not a one-person task but rather a team effort, which means that the activity comprises various positions and roles that focus on ensuring success: hence, studying in project management provides a person with the ability to assume various project management positions. In this regard, this essay is a self-reflection of project management roles that I would consider on completion of my project management studies. On completion of the project management program, I would consider the roles as a project manager, a member of the steering committee, and a team leader. In regards to project managers, Crawford explains that the world is shifting towards the consideration project manager (PM) competence. According to Crawford, PM competence exists in two dimensions, which are competence and attribute-based. Concerning attribute-based competence, the primary cons ...
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