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Cyber Terrorism.

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Computer Science
Taylor University
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Running Head: DISCUSSION 1
Cyber Terrorists
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Cyber Terrorism
Cyber terrorism is an act that has seen to be accelerating with the progress of the twenty-
first century. The risks or, preferably, threats that cyber terrorists pose have significantly drawn
the attention of Information Technology, Mass Media, and the security community industry,
Blakemore (2016). Cyber terrorism is characteristics are harming the particular area of attack or
rather a manipulation. However, cyber terrorism has specific targets. There are vulnerable targets
that are the cyber terrorists' favorite for implementing their cyber terrorism acts. To better
comprehend the topic, it is essential to define the term cyber terrorism. Cyber terrorism refers to
the application of internet networks to conduct chaotic actions.
The triggered actions tend to threaten or instead result in the loss of life and cause
immense harm to the human body, just for the selfish rationale of successfully acquiring political
or rather ideological advantages via intimidation or issuance of threats. The definition provides
an insight that the targets for the attacks bear absolute power or else advantages that the cyber
terrorists acquire from the successful operation of their evil acts. Depending on the aim of the
Cyber terrorist, there are various vulnerable targets that the respective participants can exploit by
triggering a cyber-terrorism act. This discussion paper will provide in detail the most susceptible
objectives and the measures they may take to reduce or even prevent the occurrence of
cyberterrorism within their particular respective internet server that they implement for their
work or personal use.

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Running Head: DISCUSSION 1 Cyber Terrorists Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date DISCUSSION 2 Cyber Terrorism Introduction Cyber terrorism is an act that has seen to be accelerating with the progress of the twentyfirst century. The risks or, preferably, threats that cyber terrorists pose have significantly drawn the attention of Information Technology, Mass Media, and the security community industry, Blakemore (2016). Cyber terrorism is characteristics are harming the particular area of attack or rather a manipulation. However, cyber terrorism has specific targets. There are vulnerable targets that are the cyber terrorists' favorite for implementing their cyber terrorism acts. To better comprehend the topic, it is essential to define the term cyber terrorism. Cyber terrorism refers to the application of internet networks to conduct chaotic actions. The triggered actions tend to threaten or instead result in the loss of life and cause immense harm to the human body, just for the selfish rationale of successfully acquiring political or rather ideological advantages via intimidation or issuance of threats. The definition provides an insight that the targets for the attacks bear absolute power or else advantages that the cyber terrorists acquire from the successful operation of their evil acts. Depending on the aim of the Cyber terrorist, there are various vulnerable targets that the respective participants can exploit by triggering a cyber-terrorism act. Th ...
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