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Shitty First Drafts

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Shitty First Drafts Reflection
My emotional response elicited by Lamotts piece was that of sympathy and empathy
for the author. I felt some secure connection to the struggles encountered by writers and some
of the favorite authors. I thought the article was an illustrative piece of the scenes behind the
colorful articles and reviews in magazines and national newspapers. Honestly, before reading
the piece, I thought writing, similar to athletics, is built-in talent. The perception was built
around my experiences and struggles in developing a thoughtful piece that will attract
positive reviews. I have struggled for years with writing, and thus I concluded that the ordeal
was talent oriented.
Accordingly, after reading the article, the ideology has changed, and I can confirm
that the endeavor follows hard work and commitment. Lamott expounds on the struggles
faced before generating the reviews for the California magazine (Lamott, 2005, p.94). Her
diligence paid off by sharpening the writing skills that have led to a dozen books and articles.
The first draft is the childs draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp
all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later. “The
line is among the few that captured my attention in the text. The ideologies highlighted in the
phrase might encourage anyone afraid of expressing their insights in a paper. Also, Very few
writers know what they are doing until theyve done it, appeared interesting (Lamott, 2005,
p.93). The line was an indication that writing is not a talent but a physical practice born
through multiple mistakes.
I concur with Lamotts main points in the piece since they are exhaustive and, in some
way, self-explanatory. I think most participants fail to accommodate a shitty first draft due to
their self-esteem and other personal issues. Individuals believe in perfection, thus find it hard
to express their incompetence through poor drafts.

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Running head: DISCUSSION 1 Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation DISCUSSION 2 Shitty First Drafts Reflection My emotional response elicited by Lamott’s piece was that of sympathy and empathy for the author. I felt some secure connection to the struggles encountered by writers and some of the favorite authors. I thought the article was an illustrative piece of the scenes behind the colorful articles and reviews in magazines and national newspapers. Honestly, before reading the piece, I thought writing, similar to athletics, is built-in talent. The perception was built around my experiences and struggles in developing a thoughtful piece that will attract positive reviews. I have struggled for years with writing, and thus I concluded that the ordeal was talent oriented. Accordingly, after reading the article, the ideology has changed, and I can confirm that the endea ...
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