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Economic Impact of Cybercrime and Cyber Espionage in Healthcare Paper

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The Economic Impact of Cybercrime and Cyber Espionage in Healthcare
Adams State University

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Executive Summary
According to Alex Wirth (the healthcare solutions researcher for Symantec), Conficker is
a computer malware that exploit vulnerabilities in the earliest versions of the Microsoft
Windows. The worm was first detected in 2009 but disappeared by the early 2010. However, it
has been used to attack and compromise IT systems in the healthcare organizations. The outdated
healthcare IT systems and legacy imaging equipment is the easy target of the cyber hackers.
These devices are kept operational many years after they have become outdated they server as
the central focus of cyber-attacks and espionages. They provide weak links and loopholes
through which cyber hackers can gain their access into the medical information systems. The
ongoing cyber-security education and training put much emphasize on ensuring that every
concerned member of healthcare organization is responsible for protection of promoting a culture
of security and protection of patient data. A report by the Verizon found that 60 percent of the
data breaches involved the hackers taking advantage of weak passwords that were either stolen
or default. It is advisable for medical doctors and other staffs to consider using strong passwords
and change them on regular basis.

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1 The Economic Impact of Cybercrime and Cyber Espionage in Healthcare Healthcare Adams State University CYBERCRIME AND CYBER ESPIONAGE IN HEALTHCARE 2 Executive Summary According to Alex Wirth (the healthcare solutions researcher for Symantec), Conficker is a computer malware that exploit vulnerabilities in the earliest versions of the Microsoft Windows. The worm was first detected in 2009 but disappeared by the early 2010. However, it has been used to attack and compromise IT systems in the healthcare organizations. The outdated healthcare IT systems and legacy imaging equipment is the easy target of the cyber hackers. These devices are kept operational many years after they have become outdated – they server as the central focus of cyber-attacks and espionages. They provide weak links and loopholes through which cyber hackers can gain their access into the medical information systems. The ongoing cyber-security education and training put much emphasize on ensuring that every concerned member of healthcare organization is responsible for protection of promoting a culture of security and protection of patient data. A report by the Verizon found that 60 percent of the data breaches involved the hackers taking advantage of weak passwords that were either stolen or default. It is advisable for medical doctors and other staffs to consider using strong passwords and change them on regular basis. CYBERCRIME AND CYBER ESPIONAGE IN HEALTHCARE 3 The Economic Impact of Cyber ...
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