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Ch 18 to 22 Microbiology Bacteria Presentation

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1 CHAPTERS 18-22 Survey of Bacteria Chapter 18 – The Archaea 2  Best known for growth in anaerobic, hypersaline (high salt concentration) and high-temperature habitats  Can include psychrophiles, mesophiles, and hyperthermophiles  Also found in marine arctic temperature and tropical waters Archaea found in diverse environments  Grows in geothermally heated water or soils that contain elemental sulfur The Pump Geyser in Yellowstone National3 Park The Methanogens 4  Largest group of Archaea  Strict anaerobes  Obtain energy by converting CO2, H2, formate, methanol, acetate, and other compounds to either methane or methane and CO2 Habitats of methanogens 5  Anaerobic environments rich in organic matter  Methanogens ◼ Rumen and ◼ A cow are found in: intestinal system of animals can belch 200-400 L of methane a day ◼ Swamps and marshes ◼ Anaerobic sludge ◼ digesters Important in wastewater treatment Ecological and practical importance of methanogens 6  Can produce significant amounts of methane    Can be used as clean burning fuel and energy source Is greenhouse gas and may contribute to climate change Sewage treatment plants use the methane produced by methanogens as a source of energy for heat and electricity  1 kg of organic matter can yield up to 600 L of CH4 7 8 9 Methane and Global Warming 10       Most important non-CO2 greenhouse gas Atmospheric ...
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