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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Practice Quiz Questions

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down QUIZ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
What precipitated Lia's status epileptus in Sept. 1986?
She fell off a swing at the Schelby Center for Special Education
How were the Hmong able to maintain such a strong sense of identity in Laos?
All of the above
What was the main cash crop of the Hmong?
Opium poppy
Which of the following was an effort of slash and burn agriculture?
All of the above
Which is NOT a reason the Hmong fought against communist forces during the Vietnam
They were paid an excellent salary by the United States
Which of the following is NOT a true fact about Hmong involvement in the war in Laos?
The United States airlifted all Hmong soldiers to Thailand after withdrawing its military support
Why did Nao Kao call an ambulance the night of Lia's big seizure?
He thought that arriving in an ambulance would cause the doctors to pay more attention to Lia
How long did Lia's big seizure last?
Nearly 2 hours
Why was Lia transferred to Valley Children's Hospital in Fresno?
MCMC didn't have a pediatric Intensive Care Unit that could treat her, given the seriousness of
her condition
Which of the following most directly caused Lia to become brain dead?
Septic shock
What did Lia's parents think caused her condition?
All of the above

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down QUIZ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
Why did the Lee's leave Laos?
The Vietmanese treated them harshly and there was not enough food
Which of the following posed a challenge to Hmong refugees escaping to Thailand?
All of the above
Why didn't the Hmong refugees stay in Thailand?
The Thai government would not allow them to remain
Which of the following was NOT feared by refugees contemplating life in the United
Animal sacrifices
What happened to the remaining Hmong when Ban Vinai closed?
All of the above
What did the Lees bring to the hospital for Lia?
Funeral clothes
Who came to visit Lia at the hospital?
All of the above
Why did Nao Kao demand that doctors remove Lia's IV and discontinue all medication?
They believed the medication was making her sick
Why did the nurses call a Code X (an emergency signal for security breaches)?
Nao Kao tried to take Lia home before she was officially released from the hospital
What did Lia's parents do when they got home?
They bathed her in water infused with herbs
Which of the following is NOT true about the Hmong refugees who arrived in the United
States in the 1970's and 1980's?
They received language and vocational training before being sent to their new homes

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down – QUIZ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What precipitated Lia's status epileptus in Sept. 1986? She fell off a swing at the Schelby Center for Special Education How were the Hmong able to maintain such a strong sense of identity in Laos? All of the above What was the main cash crop of the Hmong? Opium poppy Which of the following was an effort of slash and burn agriculture? All of the above Which is NOT a reason the Hmong fought against communist forces during the Vietnam War? They were paid an excellent salary by the United States Which of the following is NOT a true fact about Hmong involvement in the war in Laos? The United States airlifted all Hmong soldiers to Thailand after withdrawing its military support Why did Nao Kao call an ambulance the night of Lia's big seizure? He thought that arriving in an ambulance would cause the doctors to pay more attention to Lia How long did Lia's big seizure last? Nearly 2 hours Why was Lia transferred to Valley Children's Hospital in Fresno? MCMC didn't have a pediatric Intensive Care Unit that could treat her, given the seriousness of her condition Which of the following most directly caused Lia to become brain dead? Septic shock What did Lia's parents think caused her condition? All of the above The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down – QUIZ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Why did the Lee's leave Laos? The Vietmanese treated them harshly and there was not enough food Which of the following posed a challen ...
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