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CS 226T Programming to An Interface Paper

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Kodie Turner
Programming to an interface is developing code abased on the interface provided.
Interface is a set of methods with method signatures and without the actual
implementations. An interface outlines the behavior of the object with a set of methods.
Programming to an interface helps you to write easy to maintain programs and
programs that are easy to extend. Programming to interface shields the programs
against changes to the actual implementations.
On the other hand, programming to an implementation means that developing the
actual code implementation of a particular object behavior based on the internal
implementations of the object. The main disadvantage is that programs fail when
internal implementations of the object change. There is no shield in this programming
Program against interface rather than actual implementations to make the code more
maintainable to the changes in the implementations. For example, consider below

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Interface DisplayDevice
A Computer can display to ComputerMonitor or ProjectorScreen.
ComputerMonitor can implement DisplayDevice interface. Similarly, ProjectorScreen
can implement DisplayDevice. Computer program should be coded against
DisplayDevice interface to work with actual implementations at runtime.
Extending classes:
Example of Car object and CarInterface. The CarInterface with methods
public interface CarInterface {
public void drive();
public void brake();
public void accelerate();
public void print();
New implementations can be easy to extend by creating new classes that implement
the interface. Let’s take two Car classes Ford150 and TeslaCyberTruck .
public class Ford150 implements CarInterface {

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Kodie Turner CS226T 12/1/2019 Programming to an interface is developing code abased on the interface provided. Interface is a set of methods with method signatures and without the actual implementations. An interface outlines the behavior of the object with a set of methods. Programming to an interface helps you to write easy to maintain programs and programs that are easy to extend. Programming to interface shields the programs against changes to the actual implementations. On the other hand, programming to an implementation means that developing the actual code implementation of a particular object behavior based on the internal implementations of the object. The main disadvantage is that programs fail when internal implementations of the object change. There is no shield in this programming practice. Maintainability Program against interface rather than actual implementations to make the code more maintainable to the changes in the implementations. For example, consider below scenario Interface DisplayDevice A Computer can display to ComputerMonitor or ProjectorScreen. ComputerMonitor can implement DisplayDevice interface. Similarly, ProjectorScreen can implement DisplayDev ...
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!
