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CS 341 Serial & Parallel Processing Paper

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Operating Systems
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Kodie Turner
Serial processing:
In serial processing, the processor completes one task at a time. After completing that, it
sequentially executes the other tasks. An operating system executes many programs and each of
them has multiple tasks. The processor must complete all these tasks, but it completes one task at a
time. The other tasks wait in the queue until the processor completes the current task. In other
words, all tasks are processed sequentially. Hence, this type of processing is called serial
processing or sequential processing. Machines such as Pentium 3 and Pentium 4 perform serial
Serial processing means strictly sequential, without overlap of the successive processing times on
objects or distinct subsystems. In a standard type of serial system, each object takes the same
average amount of time to process and the next object begins processing only when the previous
one is completed. On the other hand, parallel processing signifies simultaneous processing on
several objects or subsystems at the same time, although processing may finish on different objects
at different times.
For example, we can take the example of a supermarket with multiple customers and only one
cashier. the cashier finishes billing the products of one customer and then moves on another
customer. just like that computer works one process after one process.
Parallel processing:
In the simplest sense, parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple computer resources to
solve a computational problem.

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in the parallel processing, there are multiple processors are used in that processing. Each processor
executes the tasks assigned to them simultaneously. Each processor operates on its local data. As
the processors work independently, failure in one processor does not affect the functionality of
another processor. Therefore, parallel processing increases the throughput as well as improves
reliability. Most modern computers support parallel processing to increase performance.
In real-time example, there are multiple queues of people standing to get railway tickets. In this case,
each queue is handled by multiple people, so multiple people will get tickets at a time. Similarly, in
the operating system, there are multiple queues of tasks, and multiple tasks are completed by
different processors at a time.

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Kodie Turner CS341 5/6/20 Serial processing: In serial processing, the processor completes one task at a time. After completing that, it sequentially executes the other tasks. An operating system executes many programs and each of them has multiple tasks. The processor must complete all these tasks, but it completes one task at a time. The other tasks wait in the queue until the processor completes the current task. In other words, all tasks are processed sequentially. Hence, this type of processing is called serial processing or sequential processing. Machines such as Pentium 3 and Pentium 4 perform serial processing. Serial processing means strictly sequential, without overlap of the successive processing times on objects or distinct subsystems. In a standard type of serial system, each object takes the same average amount of time to process and the next object begins processing only when the previous one is completed. On the other hand, parallel processing signifies simultaneous processing on several objects or subsystems at the same time, although processing may finish on different objects at different times. For example, we can take the example of a supermarket with multiple customers and only one cashier. the cashier finishes billing the products of one customer and then moves on another customer. just like that computer works one process after one process. Parallel processing: In the simplest sense, parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple computer reso ...
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