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CS 341 Fault Tolerance Discussion

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Operating Systems
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Kodie Turner
The key purpose of creating fault tolerance is to avoid the possibility that the functionality of the
system ever becomes unavailable because of fault in or more components. It is complex and
safety critical systems currently being designed and built are often difficult multidisciplinary
undertakings. It is art and science of building computing systems that continue to Operate
satisfactory in presence of faults. Fault tolerant system aim to ensure the high availability no the
system by preventing disruptions arising from single point of failure. It is important because it
enables system to continue operations even there is a failure on one part of the system. The
system continues its operations at a reduced level rather than be falling completely. It makes our
lives easier like Replication, Diversity means if one system fails Another copy of same system is
used to test the other aspects of the systemin an new environment without effecting core system.
Continuity, reliability, Security, no single point failure, fall back system, supports multi-tasking.
Fault tolerant systems are designed in anticipating fault detection, diagnosis, failure analysis and
Fault tolerance typically follows two models they are Normal functioning and Graceful
Normal functioning: Under some circumstances a fault tolerance system encountering a fault
may continue to function normal, without change in throughput, response time or other
performance metric. Redundancy is to remove a single point of failure and provide fault
tolerance it uses the concept of redundancy.
Replication: It involves running multiple and identical versions of a system or subsystem, and
checking their functioning always results in same results. The areas which are used in fault
tolerant systems are Hardware systems, Software systems, Power sources.
Some of the factors that are considered in fault tolerance are Cost, Quality degradation, Testing
and fault detection facilities.

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Cs341 Kodie Turner 6/7/20 The key purpose of creating fault tolerance is to avoid the possibility that the functionality of the system ever becomes unavailable because of fault in or more components. It is complex and safety critical systems currently being designed and built are often difficult mu ...
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