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HPRS 2300 CTC Hypertension Pharmacology Discussion

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Health & Medical
Central Texas College
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Institution: Central Texas College
Course: Pharmacology for Health Profes HPRS2300.20190114.560796
Title: Discussion 3
Question 1
Untreated hypertension may lead to various disorders in the body. These disorders affects
various parts of the body including arteries, hearts, kidneys and damage to the eyes. Untreated
hypertension causes Aneurysm in the arteries which is due to constant pressure of the blood
movement. If not treated this can lead to internal bleeding and eventually death. Hypertension
affects the heart as it can cause enlarged left heart this is due to thickening of left ventricle.
Overworking of the heart can finally lead to heart failure. In the kidney untreated hypertension
can lead to Glomerulosclerosis which is a special kind of kidney damage brought about by
scarring glomeruli, other kidney associated disorder is kidney artery aneurysm. Eyes are also
greatly affected by untreated hypertension. Most common disorder is optic neuropathy which is a
condition brought by blocking of blood glow in the optic nerve. If this condition persist it can
lead to bleeding inside the eyes thus eyes loss.
Question 2
African American group have the highest chances of being affected by hypertension. Some
factors that may lead to this deviation among groups include the genetic composition. In
America black American respond to blood pressure drugs differently from other groups
(Gelfand, 6). The group also is more sensitive to salt thus higher risk of exposure to
hypertension. Environmental factors have also contributed to this variation where blacks in
America are seen to be affected by hypertension than blacks in other arrears.
Question 3
a. The two medicine were given as intervention measures. The medication are given to the
patient to stop any acute symptoms of asthma.
b. Some of the notable side effects that a patient can experience include; irregular and fast
heart rate, nausea, dizziness, chest pain headache and vomiting.
c. The neglect actions from the hospital staff are; failure by the nurses to assess the patient
for more than an hour after arriving in the ICU. The physicians failed to initiate
continuous albuterol breathing treatment for quite some time. During the transfer of the
child they failed to effectively connect the oxygen and albuterol for almost an hour.
d. Being in that position I would have ensured that the patient was assessed by the nurses
immediately he arrived in the ICU. During transferring of the patient I would also ensure
that his oxygen and albuterol were connected throughout.
Question 4

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Institution: Central Texas College Course: Pharmacology for Health Profes HPRS2300.20190114.560796 Title: Discussion 3 Question 1 Untreated hypertension may lead to various disorders in the body. These disorders affects various parts of the body including arteries, hearts, kidneys and damage to the eyes. Untreated hypertension causes Aneurysm in the arteries which is due to constant pressure of the blood movement. If not treated this can lead to internal bleeding and eventually death. Hypertension affects the heart as it can cause enlarged left heart this is due to thickening of left ventricl ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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