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HPRS 2300 CTC Pharmacology for Health Discussion

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Health & Medical
Central Texas College
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Institution: Central Texas College
Course: Pharmacology for Health Profes HPRS2300.20190114.560796
Title: Discussion 2
1.An issue that can occur with long-term opioid use is tolerance. Explain drug tolerance;
what is the result of drug tolerance?
When a drug is recurrently used over time, drug tolerance may grow. Drug tolerance takes place
when an individual no longer responds to the drug as initially would. As a result, higher amount
of the dose are required to achieve an equal response achieved earlier with a less dose
2.What are the most common side effects and adverse effects of Opioid?
The most common side effects of Opioid are nausea, dizziness, vomiting and constipation while
adverse effects of Opioid are drug dependence, difficulty in breathing, memory deficits and drug
3.What is the difference between drug dependence and drug addiction?
The difference between drug dependence and drug is that drug dependence is a scenario where
person’s brain require certain amount of drug so as to function properly while drug addiction is a
sickness that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to incapability of control in the use
of drug. An addict experience great craving to use the drug while a person who is dependent will
not feel such great desires for the drug
4.Why did the federal government file criminal charges against Purdue Pharma in 2007;
what was the outcome of the case?
The federal government filed criminal charges against Purdue Pharma in the year 2007 for
misleading members of the public on the drug risks associated with the use of the
drug Oxycontin. The president, the lawyer and a former chief medical officer of the drug making
company had claimed that the Oxycontin was less abusive and less addictive as compared to
other prescription Opioids. After pleading guilty to these charges, a hefty fine of $634.5 million
dollars was imposed on three current and former executives of the drug making company.
5.Approximately how many people in America died from an opioid overdose in 2017
Data presented by Center for Disease Control show that approximately 70,237 of Americans lost
their lives due to overdoses in the year 2017. Many of these deaths occurred due to opioids
6.In April of 2018, what overdose-reversing drug did the US Surgeon General recommend
that all Americans carry? How does the drug work?

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Institution: Central Texas College Course: Pharmacology for Health Profes HPRS2300.20190114.560796 Title: Discussion 2 1.An issue that can occur with long-term opioid use is tolerance. Explain drug tolerance; what is the result of drug tolerance? When a drug is recurrently used over time, drug tolerance may grow. Drug tolerance takes place when an individual no longer responds to the drug as initially would. As a result, higher amount of the dose are required to achieve an equal response achieved earlier with a less dose 2.What are the most common side effects and adverse effects of Opioid? Th ...
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