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CTC Parenting Difficult Children and Adolescents Discussion

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Central Texas College
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Institution: Central Texas College
Course: Life Span Growth & Development
Title: Discussion 6
Ideal parents nurture their children in ways to make them self-reliant, self-driven, kind,
disciplined and responsible individual in the society. To achieve these ideal parents, demand full
accountability, responsibility and maturity from a child. They have a higher expectation from a
child and if the child does something wrong, they don’t hesitate to punish. However, ideal
parents listen, are flexible, are patient, understand and express their love to their children. Before
judging the deeds of their children, they figure out the situation from a child’s point of view. In
so doing ideal parents acts as a mentor and a close friend the child through all the stages of life of
a child.
Parenting changes as a child grow from childhood to adolescence. Rather than a strict
view of childrearing, parents can adjust their expectation, to cater for both for socio, emotional
and psychological needs of their growing children. For instance, a parent cannot punish a
teenager and a child of age four the same manner. This is because of a difference in the mental
capacity of the two. An infant has limited ability in differentiating a good or an evil thing while a
teenager has the ability to discern between good and evil. Thus, parenting will change gradually
from less strict to strict as a child approaches teenage, to fulfill the changing needs of their
Parenting difficult children and adolescents. (2018). In Parenting (p. 59). Croatia: InTech.
444.FLE. (2013, November 19). Parenting Style Quiz. Retrieved February 22, 2019, from
Labatt Family Talk. (2012, October 02). Changing Parenting Style. Retrieved February 22, 2019,

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Institution: Central Texas College Course: Life Span Growth & Development Title: Discussion 6 Ideal parents nurture their children in ways to make them self-reliant, self-driven, kind, disciplined and responsible individual in the society. To achieve these ideal parents, demand full accountability, ...
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