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Central Texas College Dissatisfaction in The Workplace Discussion

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Central Texas College
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Institution: Central Texas College
Course: OL-Business Principles
Title: Discussion 2
Dissatisfaction in the workplace is common among many workers. In my case, I have severally
felt like quitting my job but te urge to pay bills and fear of lacking a better job have sustained me
in my workplace. Job dissatisfaction may come from mistreatment, paltry salary, boredom,
discrimination, among other things. Quitting should be the last option after trying all the
available means.
The first step I take when I realize am dissatisfied in the workplace is becoming professional.
Being professional in the workplace is ensuring I have a cordial relationship with colleagues.
This helps in ticking to the initial agreement to remain loyal to the organization. Being
professional also brings positivity. By working together as a, a team one gets more motivated
rather than approaching things alone.
I would open up about what I feel about the organization and what is affecting my working
conditions to my immediate boss. The supervisor can, therefore, move forward to address the
various challenges that may be affecting me. Opening up about my situation is also critical in
ensuring that I don’t carry the burden of whatever I am feeling alone. Employers and supervisors
act as guardians in the workplace and can give directions on what needs to be done. I would also
open up what I am feeling to my close friend.
Writing down my goals and working towards achieving these goals. The first step to accepting
whatever you are doing is having a clear purpose of what makes you do that work. Working
towards your goal helps avoid disturbance and other distractor s in the workplace.

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Institution: Central Texas College Course: OL-Business Principles Title: Discussion 2 Dissatisfaction in the workplace is common among many workers. In my case, I have severally felt like quitting my job but te urge to pay bills and fear of lacking a better job have sustained me in my workplace. Job ...
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