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Central Texas College Advertisements Discussion

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Central Texas College
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Institution: Central Texas College
Course: OL-Business Principles
Title: Discussion 3
Advertisements are pivotal in each organization as they create awareness. A good advert attracts
more customers and reaches a more significant customer base. Some of the major companies
have developed adverts which have later backfired right on their face. Before putting up an
advert, an organization should consider a lot of things like culture, social arrangements, political
factor, among other things. On this discussion am going to share two adverts which I feel have
been effective and another that I think was ineffective to its target market.
As I was growing up there was this Coca-Cola advert labeled Polar bear coca cola advert. The
advert featured a white teddy bear holding on a coca-cola soda. Alongside it, there was a
message always cool always coca coca. Up to now, I associate every coca-cola drink with the
bear. An advert I feel was ineffective is the Sony Black vs. White PSP. The advert was first aired
on 2006 and was mounted on several billboards across the country. Soon after the advertisements
were elected, the advert received numerous criticism from people. The billboard showed an
energetic white woman subduing a black woman who was a visual representation of the new
white PSP model and how it was dominating over older black one.
The Coca-Cola advert campaign was effective as it was simple and clear. The message was easy
to understand, and the imaging was a direct representation of words. The bear with a Coca-Cola
grasped the attention of viewers. The message was suggestive, so was the image. The fact that
the advert campaign was released during summer wrapped it all up. The Sony advert I feel was
ineffective as It was not clear (Du Gay, 65). The message was interpreted to be racially
discriminating and showing white supremacy the culture in which the advert was released as
not convenient. The message was not suggestive enough.
Works cited
Du Gay, Paul, et al. Doing cultural studies: The story of the Sony Walkman. Sage, 2013.

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Institution: Central Texas College Course: OL-Business Principles Title: Discussion 3 Advertisements are pivotal in each organization as they create awareness. A good advert attracts more customers and reaches a more significant customer base. Some of the major companies have developed adverts which ...
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