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Melting and Boiling Point Worksheet

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KS3 Chemistry
Name: Date:
© Boardworks Ltd 2014 1
Melting point and boiling point
Read the following instructions, and then fill in the table overleaf
How to work out what state a substance is, at any given temperature:
1. Draw a scale.
2. Write ‘solid’ below the melting point, ‘liquid’ between the melting and boiling points, and ‘gas’
above the boiling point.
3. Write down the melting point (°C) and boiling point (°C) of the substance you are looking at.
4. Find the temperature you are looking for on the scale it should now be clear whether the
substance is a solid, a liquid or a gas.

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KS3 Chemistry Name: Date: Melting point and boiling point Read the following instructions, and then fill in the table overleaf… How to work out what state a substance is, at any given temperature: 1. Draw a scale. 2. Write ‘solid’ below the melting point, ‘liquid’ between the melting and boiling points, and ‘gas’ above the boiling point. 3. Write down the melting point (°C) and boiling point (°C) of the substance you are looking at. 4. Find the temperature you are looking for on the scale – it should now be clear whether the substance is a solid, a liquid or a gas. © Boar ...
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