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Micropipettes Essay

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Micropipettes Essay
When having to transport an exact volume of liquid, in the laboratory, for example,
scientist use what is known as pipette or pipet. They are part of the laboratories tool kit and
commonly used in fields like chemistry, medicine, and biology. What makes them indispensable
for scientists is the capacity to extract an exact amount of liquid that needs to be processed.
They can be classified into two big categories: micro pipettes that deal with a very small amount
of substances that can range from 1 to 1000 microlitres, and micropipettes. Also, they can be
adjustable for a specific amount of liquid or they can be fabricated based on a fixed value. If they
are used to prepare different solutions or for titration they come in a special design and is known
as volumetric pipettes. Their capacity range between 1 to 100 milliliters. Measuring pipettes are
similar to the one presented before and as the name states, they are used for their measuring
proprieties.Even so, because of their shape, they might not be as precise as the one before.
Micropipettes, on the other hand, are used to transfer a very small quantity of substance , the unit
measure being on the scale of microliters . They are the ones which are most used in laboratories
and they come in different sizes, each of them corresponding to a specific volume range. The
latest generation is represented by robot controlled pipettes which are capable of manipulating
the substances in the absence of humans direct control. History shows us that the first types were
the Pasteur pipettes which were made of glass but because of their inaccuracy, they are no longer

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used as much as the other presented. The first micropipette was designed by Doctor Heinrich
Schnitger in 1957 and it represented an innovation for most of the laboratory scientists who were
looking for an improved way of transporting a small amount of substances and making sure that
they are dealing with an accurate volume.
The Evolution :
The first type of pipette is known as Carlsberg and it was nothing else than a modified
graduated glass tube. It was known that milk inspectors were using these instruments while
analyzing milk samples under the microscope. The invention of the Carlsberg pipette took place
in 1950. In 1958 things changed because the German scientist Heinrich Snitcher developed his
first micropipette after having to deal with small amounts of substances and not being able to
rely on the accuracy of the already available product. In 1974, medical doctor Warren Gilson
was able to invent the first pipette that came with an adjustable mechanism. This was known as
the Gilson Pipetman which is an improved version of the previous product. In 1984 it was
designed the first autoclavable pipette that would reduce the percentage of contamination to a
minimum level. The newest generation ones consists mostly of the same products but taking
more care of the consequences that scientists can have by using them which can include carpal
tunnel syndrome. So even though their function remains the same, they are easier to use and less
damaging for the hand.
Principales of usage of micropipettes:
Before explaining the process of using this micropipette is important to take into
consideration some general rules which include :

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[Last Name] 1 [Your Name] [Instructor Name] [Course Number] [Date] Micropipettes Essay Introduction: When having to transport an exact volume of liquid, in the laboratory, for example, scientist use what is known as pipette or pipet. They are part of the laboratories tool kit and commonly used in fields like chemistry, medicine, and biology. What makes them indispensable for scientists is the capacity to extract an exact amount of liquid that needs to be processed. They can be classified into two big categories: micro pipettes that deal with a very small amount of substances that can range from 1 to 1000 microlitres, and micropipettes. Also, they can be adjustable for a specific amount of liquid or they can be fabricated based on a fixed value. If they are used to prepare different solutions or for titration they come in a special design and is known as volumetric pipettes. Their capacity range between 1 to 100 milliliters. Measuring pipettes are similar to the one presented before and as the name states, they are used for their measuring proprieties.Even so, because of their shape, they might not be as precise as the one before. Micropipettes, on the other hand, are used to transfer a very small quantity of substance , the unit measure being on the scale of microliters . They are the ones which are most used in laboratories and they come in different sizes, each of them corresponding to a specific volume range. The latest generation is represented by robot controlled pipett ...
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