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The Allegory of The Cave Analysis

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Analysis of the allegory of the cave
The allegory of the cave is one of the most prominent works of Plato. It is a theory
created by Plato to that asserts that knowledge that emanates from senses is not factual and that
real knowledge can only be acquired through philosophical reasoning. Even though the theory is
intriguing to read it has a deeper meaning. Plato uses a lot to symbolism to clearly explain his
Plato uses the cave to symbolize the school of thought that believes that knowledge
comes from empirical knowledge such as the things we see and hear. The caves indicate that
people who depend on empirical knowledge are trapped in a “cave” of misunderstanding.
The game in the theory represents how certain individuals think that empirical knowledge
can make them “masters” of the truth. Plato demonstrates that such people are far from knowing
the truth.
Plato uses the shadows to demonstrate the perceptions of those who think that empirical
knowledge leads to the acquisition of knowledge. Plato asserts that the knowledge gained
empirically is a shadow of the real truth.

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There is a narrative of a prisoner who escapes from the cave and goes to seek knowledge
outside the cave and gets exposed to the light from the sun. The sun is used as a symbol of truth
and knowledge and the prisoner’s journey symbolizes philosopher’s actions to get the real truth.
The allegory of the cave is a theory created by Plato through the use of various forms of
symbolism. The theory tends to defy those people who think that empirical knowledge can lead
to the real truth. The cave represents how the people who believe in empirical knowledge are
hindered from the truth. The shadows are used to indicate the truth gotten from the senses.
However, once philosophers leave the knowledge from senses and start a journey of reasoning,
they attain the real truth.

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Surname 1 Student’s name Professor’s name Course Dated Analysis of the allegory of the cave The allegory of the cave is one of the most prominent works of Plato. It is a theory created by Plato to that asserts that knowledge that emanates from senses is not factual and that real knowledge can only be acquired through philosophical reasoning. Even though the theory is intriguing to read it has a deeper meaning. Plato uses a lot to symbolism to clearly explain his theory. Plato uses the cave to symbolize the school of thought that believes that knowledge comes from empirical knowledge such as the things we see and hear. The caves indicate that people who depend on empirical knowledge are trapped in a “cave” of misunderstanding. The game in the theory represents how certain individuals think that empirical knowledge can make them “masters” of the truth. Plato demonstrates that s ...
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