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BIO 201 CSU African Medical & Research Case Study Discussion

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Colorado State University
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Running head: African Medical and Reasearch Foundation Case Study Review 1
Option #1: African Medical and Research Foundation Case Study Review
Robert Karasawa
BIO 201 Public Health and the Environment
Colorado State University Global Campus
DR Harvey Kizman
Jan 24, 2017

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African Medical and Research Foundation
African Medical and Research Foundation Case Study Review
Some of the elements of broad strategic thinking demonstrated, simply put in their
mission statement, “…In creating vibrant networks of informed communities that worked
with empowered health workers in stronger health systems, we aim to ensure every African
has access to the good health which is theirs by right” (qtd p.92). African Medical and
Research Foundation (AMREF) was designed to deter disease at the heart of the problems in
Africa through “malaria, HIV, school health, water, sanitation and hygiene” (p.92).
The social aspects that were addressed were in “promoting primary health care builds
on partnerships.” AMREF needs to look at the current “environment, culture, economics,
micro-financing, politics, leadership” to combat their health care needs and be able to deter a
lot of the everyday issues they are having. One of the biggest aspects AMREF or anyone
looking to help within this area would be funding. A lot of Africa medical problems would
be eliminated if the proper leadership through politics. Just like everything the world deals
with as far as political issues or in this case health care, it comes down the money. If there
was a surplus so the AMREF could work without limitations, some if not all, of the basic
issues Africa is having would have been eliminated decades ago.
A lot of the AMREF success is contributed through local/foreign partnerships. The
WHO’s “SAFE” protocol was implicated on their information campaign on food preparation,
medical surgery and antibiotics. Since clean water has been one of the major contributing
factors of diseases, one of the environmental improvements was the “leaky tin technology.”
This is essentially a tin-can with a hole plugged by a thorn that allowed clean water (of
debris) to remain uncontaminated. It is interesting to think about how people have lived
without (basic) technology for so many years and have not evolved with the rest of the world.
Since a lot of the health problems within Africa are ones they have been dealing with
on a regular basis for an extremely long extended period of time, local and state policy have a

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Running head: African Medical and Reasearch Foundation Case Study Review Option #1: African Medical and Research Foundation Case Study Review Robert Karasawa BIO 201 Public Health and the Environment Colorado State University – Global Campus DR Harvey Kizman Jan 24, 2017 1 African Medical and Research Foundation African Medical and Research Foundation Case Study Review Some of the elements of broad strategic thinking demonstrated, simply put in their mission statement, “…In creating vibrant networks of informed communities that worked with empowered health workers in stronger health systems, we aim to ensure every African has access to the good health which is theirs by right” (qtd p.92). African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) was designed to deter disease at the heart of the problems in Africa through “malaria, HIV, school health, water, sanitation and hygiene” (p.92). The social aspects that were addressed were in “promoting primary health care builds on partnerships.” AMREF needs to look at the current “environment, culture, economics, micro-financing, politics, leadership” to combat their health care needs and be able to deter a lot of the every ...
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