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Health Performance Indicators Presentation

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Performance Indicators Name Course Tutor Date Health profile ✓Currently, there are 12.63 million people in Illinois ✓There are issues with chronic diseases that have affected the area. ✓Such diseases are posing a risk to the lives because of the limited facilities. Population Number ✓More than 1.6 million residents living in poverty in Illinois ✓Of the 12.63 million residents, only a few percentages can afford care. ✓The remaining population is still at risk of chronic diseases. Healthcare needs ✓Pregnancies are quite rampant in this state, and there is a need to have a support care ✓The medical prescription is proving quite high ✓There is need for new patient centred-homes Required programs ✓There is a need for care programs to prevent people from crowding hospitals. ✓There is a need for proper educational programs to help individuals learn how to live healthily. ✓There is a need for long-term care programs. Available resources ✓Currently, the state has a variety of care options. ✓Such resources can provide various care services. ✓People should be made aware of such resources for their benefits. ✓There is an unlimited resource in some areas. ✓Such people receive low-quality care due to facilities insufficiency. ✓There is a need for more trained individuals to ensure healthcare equity. Health problems ✓Based on the previous reports, Illinois currently suffers from many chronic diseases. ✓Such diseases include Alzheimer' ...
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