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The Meaning of Life Discussion

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Discussion on the Meaning of Life
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation

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Discussion on the Meaning of Life
Choosing Compassion
I strongly resonate with Wallace’s sentiments on the meaning of life as it relates to water.
The speech is an analogy that offers an intuitive understanding of the elements that encompass a
meaningful life through the ability to make rational decisions. The part that sticks out the most
entails the making of self-adjustments through conscious choices (Mosley, 2013). Besides,
humans should embrace the freedom that comes with education despite their willingness to have
free will. According to Vaughn (2019), freedom from undesirable pain is key to a pleasurable
life (p. 159). Wallace’s excerpt, in this case, informs that it is possible to choose situations as
well as people, differently.
The universal concept of freedom allows for the implementation of self-conscious
decisions that also illuminate our compassion for others. Lau and Hiemisch (2017) argue that
freedom enhances the capacity to make befitting decisions as well as the generation of actions.
Making sequential ethical and rational choices improves the quality of life through the unique
ability to inhibit frustrations and life’s stresses. Wallace’s interpretations of life are profound and
delve deeper into elements that make us human. These include the ability to perceive others as
humans but progressively disregarding the inequities that characterize life before death.
Meaning of Life
Based on the ideologies presented on the morality of being, I am increasingly optimistic
about life. Life before death is seemingly chaotic but offers the opportunity to make rational
decisions that sequentially influence the quality of life. Humans benefit from the willingness to
have free will, as well as, act within the confines of morality. According to Wallace’s excerpt,
freedom invokes our conscious minds and eliminates life’s default settings (Mosley, 2013).

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Running head: DISCUSSION ON THE MEANING OF LIFE Discussion on the Meaning of Life Student’s Name Institution Affiliation 1 DISCUSSION ON THE MEANING OF LIFE 2 Discussion on the Meaning of Life Choosing Compassion I strongly resonate with Wallace’s sentiments on the meaning of life as it relates to water. The speech is an analogy that offers an intuitive understanding of the elements that encompass a meaningful life through the ability to make rational decisions. The part that sticks out the most entails the making of self-adjustments through conscious choices (Mosley, 2013). Besides, humans should embrace the freedom that comes with education despite their willingness to have free will. According to Vaughn (2019), freedom from undesirable pain is key to a pleasurable life (p. 159). Wallace’s excerpt, in this case, informs that it is possible to choose situations as well as people, differently. The universal concept of freedom allows for the implementation of self-conscious decisions that also illuminate our compassion for others. Lau and Hiemisch (2017) argue that freedom enhances the capacity to make befitting decisions as well as the generation of actions. Making sequ ...
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