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Hitler’s Fascism State Discussion

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Political Science
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Geraldine 1
Geraldine N. Talumewo
Humanities 10
Exam Part 1
January 10 2014
Hitler’s Fascism State
Adolf Hitler was known as the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933. He
was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria. In May 1913 Hitler moved from
Austria to Munich, Germany. During the First World War he was asked to
serve the German’s Army. He ran for president of Germany in July 1932 but
he lost the election. On January 1933 he was appointed as the chancellor of
Germany. The President of Germany Paul Von Hindenburg died in August
1934, which allowed him to takeover the President’s place. The Government’s
type of Germany was Democracy before Hitler ruled. Under the leadership of
Hitler the government type was Fascism. In this political system the citizens
must work for the government. The leader of Fascism in Germany was Hitler
and he was the most powerful person in Germany. Fascism originated in
Europe after the First World War and after Hitler ruled Germany, he started
the Second World War.
Government system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly
suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry and
emphasizing an aggressive nationalism. Fascism glorifies nationalism to the
extreme. Violence is performs in Fascism cause it needs force and
intimidation to gain power and glory.

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Geraldine 1 Geraldine N. Talumewo Humanities 10 Exam Part 1 January 10 2014 Hitler’s Fascism State Adolf Hitler was known as the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933. He was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria. In May 1913 Hitler moved from Austria to Munich, Germany. During the First World War he was asked to serve the German’s Army. He ran for president of Germany in July 1932 but he lost the election. On January 1933 he was appointed as the chancellor of Germany. The President of Germany Paul Von Hindenburg died in August 1934, which allowed him to takeover the President’s place. The Gover ...
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