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Ethnic Changes Are Happening Essay

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Hinkle 1
Caitlyn Hinkle
Sean Hackney
Rhetoric 102
11 April 2014
Ethnic Changes Are Happening
Ethnicity in the 21
century is a topic of great controversy. It is intriguing to learn of
different ethnic backgrounds and how diverse America has grown to be in a relatively short
amount of time. I began research on the topic of ethnicity in anticipation that I could in some
way satisfy my own strong views on it. Throughout learning I have uncovered many different
ideas that have given me a new look at how I see America. Many people do try to argue that
ethnic diversity in America is not good for us and that we should stop it while we are ahead. But
there are many more that argue for the promotion of ethnic diversity among communities.
Several topics can be explored along with this such as what ethnicity is, the growing ethnic
diversity in America, and how all this affects the overall society.
More likely than not, at some point in life most people have encountered some form of
ethnic diversity. Media, politics and society in general project certain ways of what ethnicities
are and how the people among those ethnicities act. At times we don’t even realize what we are
saying or that it could be something offensive. My eyes were opened recently to the issue of
ethnic diversity among American citizens and how the country is at a point of being very diverse.
Ethnic diversity is a topic that when approached can be difficult to understand.

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Hinkle 2
I have felt motivated to explore the topic and uncover the facts that many want to know the
answers to. Ethnicity is an issue that is the basis for many controversies such as stereotypes and
racism. Exploring what ethnicity is in society is important because it opens up opinions and
views that one may never have realized they had. Society, being the American population as it
stands today, hold strong views and opinions towards the topic of ethnicity, ethnic diversity and
even racism.
Through research I was able to discover multiple views and analyze why some feel the
ways they do. The main purpose of researching has been personal gain and what can be learned
for the research process and taken in my own life. Understanding other people’s views on what
ethnicity is, is something that needs to be brought to the attention of people in society and there
is a need to be more open to discuss what direction our country is moving. According to most,
ethnic diversity is a very good thing and America is moving in a direction in which ethnicity as
well as race will be more commonly accepted.
Literature Review:
As it stands the topic of ethnicity in America is still very controversial, even today.
Ethnicity as referred to by The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies is defined as “[a] term that
suggests cultural boundary formation between groups of people who have been discursively
constructed as sharing values, norms, practices, symbols and artefacts and are seen as such by
themselves and others.” Given this definition I began to formulate the ideas and views I had on
this particular topic pretty easily. As well as imagine an idea of how society views this topic. Yet,
the mindset some people have of the way things should be, at least in their opinion, is not easily
swayed. Therefore they want things to stay the way they knew them to be. Unfortunately for them,
as our nation develops we are only growing more and more diverse and the majority race

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Hinkle 1 Caitlyn Hinkle Sean Hackney Rhetoric 102 11 April 2014 Ethnic Changes Are Happening Abstract: Ethnicity in the 21st century is a topic of great controversy. It is intriguing to learn of different ethnic backgrounds and how diverse America has grown to be in a relatively short amount of time. I began research on the topic of ethnicity in anticipation that I could in some way satisfy my own strong views on it. Throughout learning I have uncovered many different ideas that have given me a new look at how I see America. Many people do try to argue that ethnic diversity in America is not good for us and that we should stop it while we are ahead. But there are many more that argue for the promotion of ethnic diversity among communities. Several topics can be explored along with this such as what ethnicity is, the growing ethnic diversity in America, and how all this affects the overall society. Introduction: More likely than not, at some point in life most people have encountered some form of ethnic diversity. Media, politics and society in general project certain ways of what ethnicities are and how the people among those ethnicities act. At times we don’t even realize what we are saying or that it could be something offensive. My eyes were opened recently to the issue of ethnic diversity among American citizens and how the country is at a point of being very diverse. Ethnic diversity is a topic that when approached can be difficult to understand. Hinkle 2 I have felt ...
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