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Race and Ethnicity Prejudice in Movie Juno Paper

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Race and Ethnicity
In the constantly altering modern society that we inhabit, the ever changing inhabitants of
this society are always trying to find new or old ways to identify one and to relate one to each
other’s. This section engages the first two main concepts of race and ethnicity and how people in
the society perceive each other applying these two main concepts. Prejudice, the last concept will
be discussed in this section and the relation to the first two topic. The operationalization of these
three topics comes beforehand so that one will be able to measure them and discuss them in the
movie Juno.
Race, being the first topic has basic definition related to dividing people into populations
or groups on the basis of various sets of physical characteristics which result from genetic
ancestry. These physical characteristics can be from the skin color of an individual to any other
physical trait. To start off, the concept of race in society has been established to show the
inferiority or superiority of another group of people. Individuals who claim to be form the same
race usually come to that conclusion through physical traits that may be natural or asserted. In
terms of science, the scientific basis of racial distinctions has been proven to be inaccurate.
Scientific studies show that racial genetic differences are weak except in skin color. In
attempting to measure the race of an individual, the attributes of measurements are skin color and
hair texture. For the skin color, the easiest known form of identification is Caucasian, Negroid
and Mongoloid. For the hair texture, there will be fine, straight or wavy for the Caucasian, coarse
and very curly for the Negroid and straight and medium for Mongoloid. In the movie Juno, the
diversity of race is very minimal with all primary and secondary characters being Caucasian. In
her high school, the presence of Caucasian is very well observed and the presence of the other
minorities is very small and hard to notice. Juno, the principal character has only a few friends

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and all of them are Caucasian with an exception of her new Mongoloid friend she gained after
deciding not to abort the pregnancy. Not being a popular girl in her school, Juno is quite the
social person. She is even able to have a conversion with the most popular guy from her school.
The movies depicts the idea that most people that are confined to a race will stick to that race and
will not try to exceed boundaries and meet new people from different races. This is also depicted
in the movie when she is looking for adoptive parents, all adoptive parents that were on the list
were considered wealthy with a good marriage relationship and most likely Caucasians.
Secondly, ethnicity in defined by one’s nationality and cultural characteristics, rather than
their physical traits (Caron, 2012). There are many ways in which individuals group themselves
as ethnic groups which may be different depending on the different ethnic groups. The members
in any specific ethnic group should be able to identify with each other, on the basis of a real or a
presumed common ancestry. Individuals who claim to be from the same ethnic group have
similar shared cultural traits and a shared group history. Some ethnic groups also share linguistic
or religious traits, while others share a common group history but not a common language or
religion. To operationalize this topic, I have assigned my variables to be shared values, shared
norms and shared experiences. The shared values will be recognised and will make it easy to
measure the concept by knowing the morale lesson between individuals’ values. The shared
norms will let us determine how individuals treat each other and how they feel toward one
another. The shared experiences will allow us to determine the type of relation set between
individuals and will help us measure the ethnicity in this movie. All these attributes differ from
one ethnic group to another one but also help determine the culture and similarities an ethnic
group shares. In the movie, as Juno is heading to the entrance of the abortion office, she meets a
Mongoloid girl named Su-Chin who is protesting against abortion alone. Since Juno found about

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1 Race and Ethnicity In the constantly altering modern society that we inhabit, the ever changing inhabitants of this society are always trying to find new or old ways to identify one and to relate one to each other’s. This section engages the first two main concepts of race and ethnicity and how people in the society perceive each other applying these two main concepts. Prejudice, the last concept will be discussed in this section and the relation to the first two topic. The operationalization of these three topics comes beforehand so that one will be able to measure them and discuss them in the movie Juno. Race, being the first topic has basic definition related to dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of physical characteristics which result from genetic ancestry. These physical characteristics can be from the skin color of an individual to any other physical trait. To start off, the concept of race in society has been established to show the inferiority or superiority of another group of people. Individuals who claim to be form the same race usually come to that conclusion through physical traits that may be natural or asserted. In terms of science, the scientific basis of racial distinctions has been proven to be inaccurate. Scientific studies show that racial genetic differences are weak except in skin color. In attempting to measure the race of an individual, the attributes of measurements are skin color and hair texture. For the sk ...
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