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Diversity in Higher Education Essay

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Kenney 1
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Diversity in Higher Education
Dr. Brayboy
Sean Kenney

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Kenney 2
Throughout history, the United States has struggled with issues of race, class, and social
identity. In fact, some of the nation’s most perplexing issues have centered on race (e.g.,
slavery, government sanctioned discrimination). Currently, people within our nation are
predominately divided by the group they identify with, or more commonly how they are
identified by others. I feel that in our current society the dominate class or the “in group” in most
cases, not all, is the affluent well educated whites who have the easiest path to success, or the
least resistance to success along their journey. Being a middle class white person with a college
degree, is the group I identify with most and where most people would categorize me.
My social location, like most people, has been shaped by my past experiences. Growing
up in an affluent predominately white neighborhood I was fortunate to attend good schools with
all the resources needed to provide students with the best education possible. My family also
played a large role in my social location. Both of my parents are involved in the education
system; my father is a college professor and mother is an elementary school teacher. So,
education was seen in my family as a necessity for success. I feel strongly that educational
attainment is the key for people from less fortunate backgrounds to better their standard of living
and to allow social mobility to take place. But for people who do not identify with the Anglo “in
group” of education and affluence, the idea of joining that group is a very difficult transition. It
leaves individuals torn between the social and cultural identities associated with their social
context and the norms and values commonly found in higher education. A perfect example of
this can be seen in the writings of Laura I. Rendon when she discusses her experiences in higher
education. She felt that the rewards of academic success were in stark conflict with her past
(Rendon, 1992). However, although students outside the “in group” in higher education may
feel as though they do not belong “today’s student body represents a tapestry of differentiation in

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Kenney 1 Running Head: SOCIAL LOCATION Social Location Diversity in Higher Education Dr. Brayboy 2/13/10 Sean Kenney Kenney 2 Throughout history, the United States has struggled with issues of race, class, and social identity. In fact, some of the nation’s most perplexing issues have centered on race (e.g., slavery, government sanctioned discrimination). Currently, people within our nation are predominately divided by the group they identify with, or more commonly how they are identified by others. I feel that in our current society the dominate class or the “in group” in most cases, not all, is the affluent well educated whites who have the easiest path to success, or the least resistance to success along their journey. Being a middle class white person with a college degree, is the group I identify with most and where most people would categorize me. My social location, like most people, has been shaped by my past experiences. Growing up in an affluent predominately white neighborhood I was fortunate to attend good schools with all the resources needed to provide students with the best education possible. My family also played a large role in my social location. Both of my parents are involved in the education system; my father is a college professor and mother is an elementary school teacher. So, education was seen in my family as a necessity for success. I feel strongly that educational attainment is the key for people from less fortunate backgrounds to better ...
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