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Interracial Marriages Research Paper

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Lourdes Chami
Dr. Ellen Frye
November 30, 2017
Interracial Marriages
As the world evolves, society changes and the world seem to get smaller. Today,
there are more opportunities for people to connect with each other. It is so much easier to
travel. People travel for many reasons, for fun, for job related issues, or for education,
which results in meeting new people, creating new friendships in which many end up
marrying. The great evolution of technology has opened many windows making it
possible to meet and talk with people from different parts of the world with different
cultures. Moreover, the migration of people to and from different countries, works as
bridges that unite people from different races and cultures. Due to such factors, interracial
marriage is more certain to happen. defines interracial marriage as the
marriage that takes place between people who come from two different racial or ethnic
groups. Marrying someone from a different culture implies many positive and negative
outcomes. While interracial marriage can promote cultural diversity, these couples might
also face difficulties such as discrimination and cultural differences that can lead to the
end of the marriage.
To marry someone from a different race was completely illegal in the United
States until 1967. According to, The Supreme Court ruled in the case
Loving v. Virginia that marriage across racial lines was legal across the country. The
case Loving v. Virginia, consisted of a white man and a black woman, Richard and

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Midred Loving, who got married in Washington D. C. when they returned to their
hometown, Virginia, they got arrested, but the Supreme Court struck down Virginia’s law
prohibiting interracial marriages as a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment
( Since then, Interracial marriages has increased, and
according to Bialik, from the Pew Research Center, one-in-six U.S. newlyweds (17%)
were married to a person of a different race or ethnicity in 2015, a more than fivefold
increase from 3% in 1967. Among all married people in 2015 (not just those who recently
wed), 10% are now intermarried 11 million in total” ( In addition,
Bialik also mentions Asian and Hispanic newlyweds are the most likely to be
intermarried. Nearly three-in-ten Asian newlyweds (29%) were married to someone of a
different race or ethnicity in 2015, as were 27% of Hispanic newlyweds” (Bialik 2). That
is to say that the most common interracial marriages occur between Hispanics and whites,
and between Asians and whites.
When interracial marriage occurs, two cultures are blending in. These people are
sharing their values and beliefs and in many cases, couples learn to integrate, meaning
that, both partners might embrace aspects of the culture of the other without loosing their
own culture.
But, what happens when a child is born? What culture should be thought to this
child? This decision will definitely shape the child’s identity. Le Gall and Meintel present
a study conducted in Quebec. The study consisted of eighty mixed couples between 25
and 40 years old with at least one child. The participants were couples of mixed unions;
some were originally from Quebec married to a new immigrant, others were born in
Quebec of different ethnic minority backgrounds (117). The couples were interviewed

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Chami 1 Lourdes Chami Dr. Ellen Frye LANG3400 November 30, 2017 Interracial Marriages As the world evolves, society changes and the world seem to get smaller. Today, there are more opportunities for people to connect with each other. It is so much easier to travel. People travel for many reasons, for fun, for job related issues, or for education, which results in meeting new people, creating new friendships in which many end up marrying. The great evolution of technology has opened many windows making it possible to meet and talk with people from different parts of the world with different cultures. Moreover, the migration of people to and from different countries, works as bridges that unite people from different races and cultures. Due to such factors, interracial marriage is more certain to happen. defines interracial marriage as the marriage that takes place between people who come from two different racial or ethnic groups. Marrying someone from a different culture implies many positive and negative outcomes. While interracial marriage can promote cultural diversity, these couples might also face difficulties such as discrimination and cultural differences that can lead to the end of the marriage. To marry someone from a different race was completely illegal in the United States until 1967. According to, The Supreme Court ruled in the case Loving v. Virginia that marriage across racial lines was legal across the country. The case Loving v ...
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