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ICCI Discrimination and Affirmative Action Paper

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International college of the cayman islands
Research Paper
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Discrimination and Affirmative Action
Marteca Soler-Bodden
International College of the Cayman Islands
Seminar on Business and Society
12 December 2017
Ms Melisa Bent-Hamilton

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The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of discrimination and
affirmative action and to explain how these concepts are related to business and society. I also
plan to explain how my chosen company, Conyers Dill & Pearman, demonstrates affirmative
action against discrimination and harassment, and how our seminar experiences were linked to
the topics of diversity and discrimination.
This paper is meaningful to me because I think that discrimination and harassment are
quite common in the Cayman Islands, especially in the workplace, and they are topics that are
often pushed under the rug and not taken very seriously when they should be. In this paper, I will
be explaining discrimination, harassment, and affirmative action, I will expand on the concepts
learned in the chapter of the text, I will demonstrate how these topics affect business and society,
I will be giving an overview of Conyers Dill & Pearman, I will demonstrate how Conyers Dill &
Pearman deals with discrimination and affirmative action, I will explain what was discussed in
the interview with a manager at Conyers Dill & Pearman, I will be incorporating my seminar
experience into discrimination, harassment, and affirmative action, and I will be explaining how
Conyers Dill & Pearman has influenced my understanding and appreciation of the topic and the
company in general. The body of this paper will be divided into four major headings, which are:
1) Introduction, 2) Business and Society Topic Exploration, 3) Company featured, 4) The
seminar experience, 5) Application of the Learning, and 6) Summary and conclusion.
Business and Society Topic Exploration
In this paper, I will be referring to the term of diversity often. According to our text,
diversity “refers to variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from
one another. The primary dimensions of diversity are age, ethnicity, gender, mental or physical

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Running head: DISCRIMINATION AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Discrimination and Affirmative Action Marteca Soler-Bodden International College of the Cayman Islands Seminar on Business and Society 12 December 2017 Ms Melisa Bent-Hamilton 1 DISCRIMINATION AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 2 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of discrimination and affirmative action and to explain how these concepts are related to business and society. I also plan to explain how my chosen company, Conyers Dill & Pearman, demonstrates affirmative action against discrimination and harassment, and how our seminar experiences were linked to the topics of diversity and discrimination. This paper is meaningful to me because I think that discrimination and harassment are quite common in the Cayman Islands, especially in the workplace, and they are topics that are often pushed under the rug and not taken very seriously when they should be. In this paper, I will be explaining discrimination, harassment, and affirmative action, I will expand on the concepts learned in the chapter of the text, I will demonstrate how these topics affect business and society, I will be giving an overview of Conyers Dill & Pearman, I will demonstrate how Conyers Dill & Pearman deals with discrimination and affirmative action, I will explain what was discussed in the interview with a manager at Conyers Dill & Pearman, I will be incorporating my seminar experience into discrimination, harassment, and affirm ...
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