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Wild Dog Coffee Company Process Improvement Plan

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Process Improvement Plan: Wild Dog Coffee Company

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Executive Summary
Wild Dog Coffee Company is owned locally. The organization contains a single coffee
shop location. The menu comprises of a broad selection of espresso products as well as a small
breakfast lunch and evening menu. Wild Dog is exploring the possibility of expanding to a
second location. This new location will feature the same beverage preparation processes as the
original one. The company wants to ensure the procedures are streamlined and documented so
the implementation at the new location can go as smoothly as possible. This report features an
analysis and recommendation of the espresso reparation procedure. This is a core process and
must be refined and put in place before being transferred to the fresh location.
Preparation Process of Espresso Beverage
Analyzing the selected process is the first step in any improvement plan. The process for
making an espresso type drink remains fairly consistent with each order. The process begins
when the customer enters the shop and is greeted by a member of the staff. The customer will
then order to their specifications. Thee are many variables that can be addressed such as size,
flavor, temperature (hot or cold blend. And a host of other options available. The order is
entered into the system and tagged with the customer’s name. The order is then totaled and paid
for before preparation begins.
Once the order is taken, entered and paid for, the preparation begins. The barista will
begin by selecting the correct cup size and temperature (hot or iced). If a flavor was selected that
will need to be added to the cup. After the flavor is added, then the cup is placed under the
espresso machine for the next step.
Before preparing the espresso, the area must be clean and free of grounds. A portafilter is
placed under the ground coffee bean machine and the correct level of grounds will be selected.

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Running head: PROCESS IMPROVEMENT PLAN: WILD DOG COFFEE COMPANY 1 Process Improvement Plan: Wild Dog Coffee Company Tutor Student Institution Date PROCESS IMPROVEMENT PLAN: WILD DOG COFFEE COMPANY 2 Executive Summary Wild Dog Coffee Company is owned locally. The organization contains a single coffee shop location. The menu comprises of a broad selection of espresso products as well as a small breakfast lunch and evening menu. Wild Dog is exploring the possibility of expanding to a second location. This new location will feature the same beverage preparation processes as the original one. The company wants to ensure the procedures are streamlined and documented so the implementation at the new location can go as smoothly as possible. This report features an analysis and recommendation of the espresso reparation procedure. This is a core process and must be refined and put in place before being transferred to the fresh location. Preparation Process of Espresso Beverage Analyzing the selected process is the first step in any improvement plan. The process for making an espresso type drink remains fairly consistent with each order. The process begins when the customer enters the shop and is greeted by a member of the staff. The customer will then order to their specifications. Thee are many variables that can be addressed such as size, flavor, temperature (hot or cold blend. And a host of other options available. The order is entered into the system and tagged with the custom ...
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