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Power of the Media in Sports Essay

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Sports Management
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Power of the Media in Sports
Sporting activities have become a crucial part of the human race with people worldwide
being in one way or another affiliated with a type of sport. Major sporting activities such as the
Olympics and the FIFA World Cup tend to bring different countries together which proves that
the popularity of sports throughout the years has greatly improved. The influence that technology
has had on sports cannot be ignored. Analyzing how the media has influenced sports proves that
the media helps expose different angles of discussion other than the sporting activity itself. It is
through media that change is made and issues in the world of sports are addressed. The power of
social media cannot be ignored and this creates various questions with regards to the merits and
demerits that this has on everyone concerned with sports.
The issue on gender inequality has greatly been debated throughout the years in almost
every field. From places of work to government offices, a section of the population feels that
women are not being accorded equal chances as men and this results into formation of activist
groups meant to tackle this situation. In sports, women have constantly battled male chauvinists
just to be able to be part of the sport. History reveals that women in football dates way back to
the 1900’s ("The History of Women's Football in England", 2019). In 1921, the FA actually
banned women from being involved in any football leagues stating that the sport was not meant
for women ("The History of Women's Football in England", 2019). Many years later, women are
now able to hold tournaments and have leagues of their own. The time taken for women to be
accepted was quite long and this would have certainly been faster if they had the power of
technology back then.
The current sporting community is highly influenced by the media which somehow
seems to hold immense power in communicating about sports. Communication is described as

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being a crucial part in sports and this is how the sporting community relay information and
discuss matters related to the activity. Technology has been able to enlarge the community of
sports by giving everyone a chance to talk about sports. People are now able to air out their
grievances and analysis on the handling of sports and games that have been concluded or are
about to begin. By doing this, every person has a voice making it easy to push for various
agendas and suggestions. Referring back to the struggle of women in football, a possible reason
as to why the struggle was quite long may be due to the lack of a united voice among other
factors. If technology existed in the years before, perhaps the fight for participating in the sport
could have been quicker. Organizations and federations thanks to technology are able to be
monitored by the public and in the event that atrocities are committed, the media, which serves
as watchdogs bring all matters to light. However, concerns such as, is technology intruding so
much in the personal lives of athletes? What can be done to ensure that false information and
hate in sports is not spread through technology are up for discussion.

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Power of the Media in Sports Sporting activities have become a crucial part of the human race with people worldwide being in one way or another affiliated with a type of sport. Major sporting activities such as the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup tend to bring different countries together which proves that the popularity of sports throughout the years has greatly improved. The influence that technology has had on sports cannot be ignored. Analyzing how the media has influenced sports proves that the media helps expose different angles of discussion other than the sporting activity itself. It is through media that change is made and issues in the world of sports are addressed. The power of social media cannot be ignored and this creates various questions with regards to the merits and demerits that this has on everyone concerned with sports. The issue on gender inequality has greatly been ...
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