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The Ethics and Morality Behind the Death Penalty Paper

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Criminal Justice
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The Ethics and Morality Behind the Death Penalty
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A death penalty is a form of punishment that involves taking away the life of a person
found guilty of committing certain types of crimes. ("Why Amnesty Opposes the Death Penalty
Without Exception") It is a severe form of punishment that is characterized by intense brutal
actions after the criminal has been brought in front of a jury and declared guilty after substantial
evidence has been presented by the prosecutor. (Throsten) The death penalty is still a practice
that exists till date even with the numerous efforts by social activists to try and get rid of it. The
death penalty began long ago and dates back to the eighteenth century where the then ruler of
Babylon king Hammurabi, was notorious for applying the death penalty to those ruled out as
criminals in the eyes of the law. The first form of this punishment was through hanging a person
which involved a person being tied to a rope from their necks and subjected to a force which then
strangled them to death.
Britain is among the very first nations to popularize this form of execution and they often
passed a number of laws that clearly stated these types of crimes were liable to this punishment.
Apart from hanging, brutal methods such as burning someone alive, beheading them and boiling
them are just but a few methods that were constantly used by these states to get rid of their
criminals. In the age of colonialism, Britain was able to spread this form of punishment to its
different colonies that ended up picking up this practice and is also known to be the greatest
influencers of the United States adopting to the death penalty. (Banner) Even though the number
of crimes that were assigned this form of punishment was reduced, the question on whether or
not this is a right approach to fighting crime has been raised constantly throughout history.
("History of The Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center") This makes it a huge
humanitarian problem that needs to be analyzed and addressed critically.

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Surname 1 Your University The Ethics and Morality Behind the Death Penalty Your Name Course Name and Number Professor Number Paper Due Date Surname 2 A death penalty is a form of punishment that involves taking away the life of a person found guilty of committing certain types of crimes. ("Why Amnesty Opposes the Death Penalty Without Exception") It is a severe form of punishment that is characterized by intense brutal actions after the criminal has been brought in front of a jury and declared guilty after substantial evidence has been presented by the prosecutor. (Throsten) The death penalty is still a practice that exists till date even with the numerous efforts by social activists to try and get rid of it. The death penalty began long ago and dates back to the eighteenth century where the then ruler of Babylon king Hammurabi, was notorious for applying the death penalty to those ruled out as criminals in the eyes of the law. The first form of this punishment was through hanging a person which involved a person being tied to a rope from their necks and subjected to a force which then strangled them to death. Britain is among the very first nations to popularize this form of execution and they often passed a number of laws that clearly stated these types of crimes were liable to this punishment. Apart from hanging, brutal methods such as burning someone alive, beheading them and boiling them are just but a few methods that were constantly used by these states to get rid ...
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