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Corruption Leading to Violence Paper

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Corruption Leading to Violence
Johanna Valiente
Violence of Society
Corruption Leading To Violence

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Corruption has occasioned a surge of new violence forms in society. The disadvantaged,
on the margins of society, suffer from extreme poverty and inequality, occasioned by corruption,
and are the principal users of this violence or put differently, criminalized deviant behavior.
Those who are unable to acquire access to basic needs legitimately, turn to illegal options in the
name of violent crime.
It is emerging in recent times that violence is being driven by the more powerful to the
less powerful (Walby, 2012). A society disenfranchised and disabled by corruption will collapse
into violent habits due to this frustration. Latin America is an area that has experienced and is as
yet experiencing a ton of violence. Both Mexico and Colombia have a few similarities that
originate from corruption.
The epic systemic failure in these countries is demonstrated by the utilization of state
violence and other human rights infringements, auxiliary savagery, the restraint of the media, the
constraining of minorities, questionable land acquisitions, and the intrigue of collaborating
organized crime with the state, prompting state capture (Karcz, 2017).
In most developing countries, the police is seen as one of the chief perpetuators of public
bureaucracy (TI 2004). Zkevic in his study put violent crime at 16 % for Western Europe which
had corruption levels of 1% while violent crime for Africa was set at 20% corresponding to 11%
corruption (Zkevic, 2000) .This effectively establishes a link between corruption and violence.
Corruption perpetuates structural violence. It has been defined by Galtung as “It is
injustice and exploitation built into a social system that generates wealth for the few and poverty
for the many, stunting everyone’s ability to reach their potential. By privileging some classes,
ethnicities, genders, and nationalities over others, it institutionalizes unequal opportunities for

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1 Corruption Leading to Violence Johanna Valiente Violence of Society 07.12.2020 Corruption Leading To Violence 2 Corruption has occasioned a surge of new violence forms in society. The disadvantaged, on the margins of society, suffer from extreme poverty and inequality, occasioned by corruption, and are the principal users of this violence or put differently, criminalized deviant behavior. Those who are unable to acquire access to basic needs legitimately, turn to illegal options in the name of violent crime. It is emerging in recent times that violence is being driven by the more powerful to the less powerful (Walby, 2012). A society disenfranchised and disabled by corruption will collapse into violent habits due to this frustration. Latin America is an area that has experienced and is as yet experiencing a ton of violence. Both Mexico and Colombia have a few similarities that originate from corruption. The epic systemic failure in these countries is demonstrated by the utilization of state violence and other human rights infringements, auxiliary savagery, the restraint of the media, the constraining of minorities, questionable land acquisitions, and the intrigue of collaborating organized crime with the state, prompting state capture (Karcz, 2017). In most developing countries, the police is seen as one of the chief perpetuators of public bureaucracy (TI 2004). Zkevic in his study put violent crime at 16 % for Western Europe which had corruption levels of 1% while viol ...
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