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Whole Person Paradigm Approach in the Workplace Paper

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Attributes of the Whole-person Paradigm Approach in the Workplace
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Attributes of the Whole-person Paradigm Approach in the Workplace
The whole person paradigm recognizes the workplace essence that people are not objects
that must be subject to motivation and controlling. This paradigm establishes that human beings
are four-dimensional, namely; mind, heart, body and spirit. Performance in the workplace then
involves all the four dimensions of the person in the whole job (Macgregor & Semler, 2012). The
Whole-person paradigm is the best technique to harness employee performance in the modern
The four parts of the whole person paradigm then have additional four capacities related
to each of them. They include; Physical intelligence, Spiritual intelligence, Mental intelligence
and Emotional intelligence. In addition to this, human beings have related needs numbering four.
Humans have the need to live or survive, to love and form meaningful relationships, to grow and
develop through learning, and the final need to establish and leave a legacy that gives them
meaning and contribution (Macgregor & Semler, 2012).
The whole person also includes the highest manifestations of conscience, passion,
discipline and vision. These manifestations represent voice which is split into four dimensions. A
person’s voice is a product of their talent (their inherent strengths and gifts), need, passion
(phenomena that naturally excites, inspires and energizes the person) and their conscience also
known as the voice of reason.
A person’s voice is met when they engage in work that taps efficiently from their talents,
quenches their passion, and is a result of a need that the person feels naturally drawn to by their
conscience. As these four dimensions of talent, need, conscience and passion are applied by the
individual, they find their voice in that specific role they are involved in.

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1 Attributes of the Whole-person Paradigm Approach in the Workplace Name Institutional Affiliation(s) Instructor Date 2 Attributes of the Whole-person Paradigm Approach in the Workplace The whole person paradigm recognizes the workplace essence that people are not objects that must be subject to motivation and controlling. This paradigm establishes that human beings are four-dimensional, namely; mind, heart, body and spirit. Performance in the workplace then involves all the four dimensions of the person in the whole job (Macgregor & Semler, 2012). The Whole-person paradigm is the best technique to harness employee performance in the modern world. The four parts of the whole person paradigm then have additional four capacities related to each of them. They include; Physical intelligence, Spiritual intelligence, Mental intelligence and Emotional intelligence. In addition to this, human beings have related needs numbering four. Humans have the need to live or survive, to love and form meaningful relationships, to grow and develop through learning, and the final need to establish and leave a legacy that gives them meaning and contribution (Macgregor & Semler, 2012). The whole person also includes the highest manifestations of conscience, passion, discipline and vision. These manifestations represent voice which is split into four dimensions. A person’s voice is a product of their talent (their inherent strengths and gifts), need, passion (phenomena that naturally excites, i ...
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