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Abortion Discussion

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Running head: ABORTION 1
Running head: Abortion
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Abortion is the process by which an expected mother ends the pregnancy process by
either removal expulsion (Tooley, M., 1972). There are several ways of performing this process.
The first on where by the pregnant lady takes in a medication which inter the growth of the
embryo or fetus. This method is widely used and is considered the safest and effective. Many
women who tend to use the pills for abortion illegally end up committing serious mistakes and
they end up in hospitals or at some times death. The second method is by surgery. This method
requires are highly qualified doctor to do this operation. Many of these surgeries are legal not
like in the case of using pills.
There is only one legal reason why some ladies engage to abortion. The others are illegal
reasons. This reason is where by the mother is in danger of life is the embryo continues to
develop and an examination has been done and the examiner has identified that it’s reasonable
for the action to be taken. Legal abortions do not cause mental problems to the mother when
performed safely (Thomson, J. J., 1976). Abortion is illegal and in some countries its illegal.
Abortion is bewen fought hard by some religions while others accept it and legalize if the
pregnancy is brought by bad reasons such as rape or incest.\
There are several ways by which abortion was performed at old days. One is by use of
herbal medicine believed to stop the pregnancy immediately taken. These herbal medicine came
from harbalists who played a big role in issuing the appropriate medicine for a certain disease.
The second method is, use of sharp objects to kill the embryo(Kumar, A., Hessini, L., &
Mitchell, E. M.,2009). . However this method was not safe since at most cases death was
experienced to both the embryo and the mother.

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Running head: ABORTION 1 Running head: Abortion Student’s name Lectures name Course Course code Date of submission ABORTION 2 Abortion is the process by which an expected mother ends the pregnancy process by either removal expulsion (Tooley, M., 1972). There are several ways of performing this process. The first on where by the pregnant lady takes in a medication which inter the growth of the embryo or fetus. This method is widely used and is considered the safest and effective. Many women who tend to use the pills for abortion illegally end up committing serious mistakes and they end up in hospitals or at some times death. The second method is by surgery. This method requires are highly qualified doctor to do this operation. Many of these surgeries are legal not like in the case of using pills. There is only one legal reason why some ladies engage to abortion. The others are il ...
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