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Current Philosophy Of Education

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Grand Canyon University
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Current Philosophy of Education
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Current Philosophy of Education
A fundamental and effective way that provides an insight on how people learn is the use
of newly acquired knowledge or ability in addition to an understanding or knowledge that an
individual possesses (Wrenn & Wrenn, 2009). It implies that a person's experiences play a
critical role in teaching him what is beneficial and harmful to him. Despite the inability to always
getting similar outcomes with the same acts, events in the past provide reliable guidance for
future actions. The perspectives and theories that ground this learning belief include classical
conditioning, constructivism theory, and instrumental or operant conditioning. An example of
associative learning includes; when a person is listening to a specific song when receiving bad
news, there is an increased likelihood of remembering the event and the feelings when he hears it
in the future.
I prefer the cooperative learning style that encourages learners to take an active role in
the learning process and learn together. This aspect of the student-centered approach will foster
social growth and group work. Apart from encouraging independence and hand-on learning, this
style emphasizes peer-to-peer work, which is critical in the development of the whole child
(Darling-Hammond et al., 2020). It includes creating classes and learning plans that require
learners to discover and explore the content of the course originally and creatively. The most
notable adoption of technology in the classroom is the review of core academic skills and
teaching. It is vital to develop digital activities to adapt to align with each student's needs in an
efficient way than pre-printed worksheets.
I believe that the best way to create a welcoming and comfortable learning environment
is by promoting collaboration between students and teachers. It may involve teachers

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1 Current Philosophy of Education Name: Institutional affiliation Tutor Date: 2 Current Philosophy of Education A fundamental and effective way that provides an insight on how people learn is the use of newly acquired knowledge or ability in addition to an understanding or knowledge that an individual possesses (Wrenn & Wrenn, 2009). It implies that a person's experiences play a critical role in teaching him what is beneficial and harmful to him. Despite the inability to always getting similar outcomes with the same acts, events in the past provide reliable guidance for future actions. The perspectives and theories that ground this learning belief include classical conditioning, constructivism theory, and instrumental or operant conditioning. An example of associative learning includes; when a person is listening to a specific song when receiving bad news, there is an increased likelihood of remembering the event and the feelings when he hears it in the future. I prefer the cooperative learning style that encourages learners to take an active role in the learning process and learn together. This aspect of the student-centered approach will foster social growth and group work. Apart from encouraging independence and hand-on learning, this style emphasizes peer-to-peer work, which is critical in the development of the whole child (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020). It includes creating classes and learning plans that require learners to discover and explore the content of the c ...
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