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Safety Engineering Problems Paper

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Safety Engineering
The study of the causes and the prevention of accidental deaths and injuries is called safety engineering.
It is also used in the process of designing workplaces. Various approaches and modes for reducing accidents
are explained with detail in Engineering Safety Concepts. This is done by using a risk management process
in recognizing and diminishing or wiping out hazardous objects and materials. There are general ideas that
have been identified as the major functions carried out by the professional safety engineer or safety
professional. These ideas are enlisted below:
Determining and recognizing conditions that may produce accidents and practices and the
evaluation of the severity of the accident problem;
Developing methods, programs, and procedures to reduce and control accidents;
Communicating the information regarding accidents and loss-control to those directly involved;
Recording, measuring, and evaluating accident and loss-control systems and making modifications
to ensure optimum results.
The most recent trends in safety engineering include the following:
Increased emphasis on prevention by the anticipation of hazard potentials;
Changing legal concepts with regard to product liability and negligent design or manufacture, as
well as the developing emphasis on consumer protection; and
The development of national and international legislation and controls, not only in the areas of
transportation safety, product safety, and consumer protection but also in occupational health and
environmental control.
How to Solve Safety Problems
1. Avoid the "Do Nothing" strategy. There are times that the boss may deny or reject the complaints
from workers that the work is dangerous. What’s worse is he may do nothing even when presented with
evidence. Even when a worker becomes ill or experiences an accident, he will just get rid of them and hire
someone else. Aside from that, he will also not keep records or will hide records of the history of illnesses
or injuries experienced by his workers. This should be avoided because doing this will increase the chances
that accidents, illnesses, or injuries will repeat in the future and make the situation worse.
2. Avoid the "Change the Worker" strategy. When the boss tries to change the worker’s tasks by
making them do the work differently or forcing them to wear uncomfortable safety equipment, he is putting
the blame on the worker. It may also come to a point where the boss will blame the worker for being lazy

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or state that they are responsible for their own injuries or illness. This should be avoided because, as the
boss of your workers, you have the responsibility to keep your workers safe. This will bring a good
employer-employee relationship and the workplace will be safe for all the people that will visit or go to it.
3. Eliminate the danger. As technology advances, improved machines and products are now being
developed and can be used to eliminate risks for the workers. These types of machinery might cost more,
but they will be well worth it if they could prevent severe illnesses, such as cancer, and other injuries caused
by accidents. In line with replacing machines with new ones, workers should be trained in the new
processes, and in how to use warning systems and alarms. Here are some things to do to perform this
solution, aside from replacing old machines with new ones:
Get rid of boxes, papers, loose materials, cables, or wires that the workers could potentially
fall over.
Make sure to keep an eye on spilled liquids and wet or damp floors.
Poorly lit areas, unproductive layouts, and unnecessary steps may also cause falls or slips.
Ensure that flammable materials, such as gas or liquid, are in a safe place, away from high
4. Block off dangers, demarcate safe areas. Simply restricting access could be the most effective
way to prevent accidents. The area may be off-limits to all people, or it could be restricted to trained staff
who has experience in a specific work area. In some workplaces, safe zones will also be helpful where
employees would know where to stay when working or moving around the floor. Installing enclosures,
barriers, marking separate work areas, putting machine guards, ventilation, and whatever else is definitely
needed to ensure safety.
5. Change the organization of work. Reducing the amount of time that the individual workers are
exposed to dangerous work is also necessary. Make work less boring. Interesting and fulfilling jobs tend to
lead to fewer accidents.
6. Provide safety equipment when necessary. When the previous steps are performed successfully,
there should be no need for personal protective equipment. However, to really ensure safety, PPE can be
used. As long as the workplace has a program that will ensure that the PPEs are appropriate for the workers.
PPEs should:
fit each worker using it.
be the right kind for the dangers faced in each job.
be cleaned or replaced as often as needed.

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Safety Engineering The study of the causes and the prevention of accidental deaths and injuries is called safety engineering. It is also used in the process of designing workplaces. Various approaches and modes for reducing accidents are explained with detail in Engineering Safety Concepts. This is done by using a risk management process in recognizing and diminishing or wiping out hazardous objects and materials. There are general ideas that have been identified as the major functions carried out by the professional safety engineer or safety professional. These ideas are enlisted below: • Determining and recognizing conditions that may produce accidents and practices and the evaluation of the severity of the accident problem; • Developing methods, programs, and procedures to reduce and control accidents; • Communicating the information regarding accidents and loss-control to those directly involved; and • Recording, measuring, and evaluating accident and loss-control systems and making modifications to ensure optimum results. The most recent trends in safety engineering include the following: • Increased emphasis on prevention by the anticipation of hazard poten ...
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