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Google Searches and Stock Returns Case Study

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Google Incorporation
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Milestone One: Google Inc.
Thousands of companies, year after year, are overwhelmed by a 'streak' of innovation, are
devastated by the lack of identity, fail to invest in innovation, and a large percentage, avoid
addressing the issue of human capital. All of them become passing marks, those that few will
remember and nobody will want to imitate them. However, there are brands that have reached
immortality, one of them: Google (Bijl, Kringhaug,Molnár & Sandvik,2016). Today, the search
engine company that was founded in a garage in California has become the precedent and the
example to imitate how companies can achieve success and continue innovating.
But what are the rules and strategies that have led Google along the path of immortality?
Jonathan Rosenberg, former senior vice president of Google products and Eric Schmidt,
executive president of Google and former CEO of the company, write "How Google works" ,
where they unmask the strategies that have taken this company to the top. Do you want to know
what your secret is? Both authors concentrate the information on six strategic points:
organizational culture, strategy, talent, decision making, communication and innovation.
The "default" mode of operation is to share everything. 60% of the problems in
organizations have to do with the lack of information and a lack of communication. Employees
must be aware of what is happening in their companies, this makes them part of the decisions
and also holds them accountable when necessary.

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Running head: GOOGLE INCORPORATION Google Incorporation Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 GOOGLE INCORPORATION 2 Milestone One: Google Inc. Thousands of companies, year after year, are overwhelmed by a 'streak' of innovation, are devastated by the lack of identity, fail to invest in innovation, and a large percentage, avoid addressing the issue of human capital. All of them become passing marks, those that few will remember and nobody will want to imitate them. However, there are brands that have reached immortality, one of them: Google (Bijl, Kringhaug,Molnár & Sandvik,2016). Today, the search engine company that was founded in a garage in California has become the precedent and the example to imitate how companies can achieve success and continue innovating. But what are the rules and strategies that have led Google along the path of immortality? Jonathan Rosenberg, former senior vice president of Google products and Eric Schmidt, executive president of Google and former CEO of the company, write "How Google works" , where they unmask the strategies that have taken this company to the top. Do you want to know what your secret is? Both authors concentrate the information on six strategic points: organizational culture, strategy, talent, decision making, communication and innovation. The "default" mode of operation is to share everything. 60% of the problems in organizations have to do with the lack of information and a lack of communication. Employees must ...
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