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A visit to the Chicano Park Field Notes

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A visit to the Chicano Park (Ethnography)
The Mexican couples and the murals
Once I arrived in the park, I decided to take a cold-drinking juice which would keep me
busy during the observation period. I headed straight to the bench where I can get a strong few of
the entire park and the same time get a cool breeze. My first observation that most of the people
in the park were of Mexican-American or Mexican-immigrants. This was because most of the
people in Central San Diego are of the same origin. I thus noticed that many people were heading
to the Murals of the park. Two of the young people went straight to the Murals under the bridges.
I had to move towards them as they seem to have some interest in them. One of the city wrkers
told them that the murals were painted by the neighbors who were fighting against their eviction
in the park in the 1970s. Thus they depict the different cultures of the Chicano culture with a lot
of mythology in them. They also highlight the struggle for the immigrants and feminism.
On the other hand, other portrays their Civil Right Leaders like Cesar Chavez. I learned
that the students were on an educational trip and they were taking notes. They seemed to be
concentrating on the murals with two of the student taking pictures. The manager of the park
provided them with directions on where they can get all the murals as most of them were under
the bridge. One of the murals which I developed an interest in had a writing “Latierramia”. It
was a man with Mexican origin who seems to be taking hard jobs. A light was shining above him
which portrayed the struggle the immigrants go through to make ends meet.
The Murals in the bridge as a center for attraction
The city worker also stated that the Chicano Park Steering Committee ensured that the
park was running effectively. That is the reason they employed international artists to paint the
bridge with such murals. The murals portrayed the struggle made by the local communities as
they were ben evicted from the area. I noticed that most of the people who went to the park
always go straight to the murals to view their beauty. This was one of the chief attraction in
Chicano Park, and the attendant was spending a lot of time explaining to the people their origin.
A family of three also joined the students in the murals. It seemed that they were not in the place
for the educational purpose. They had come to the place to take pictures. The young boy
acquired the camera, and he was given the responsibility of taking his parents the photos. Each
family member had the turn to take each other photos, and in the end, they all took a selfie for

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the entire family. The family was dressed in a nice attire which portrayed their Mexican culture.
Been a Mexican town, most of the people had the same attire with most of them speaking either
Mexican or with the Mexican ascent. Due to the sunny climate of that day, they were wearing
shorts with light shirts which made them feel comfortable during their stay in the park. This was
the dressing code of most of the people in the areas.
The Nigerian couples and their dressing code
I immediately got back to the bench where I could see the people as they moved around
in the bridge. As most of the people used the bridge to access the park, it was the best place to
observe their behavior and dressing code. I immediately saw two couples of African origin; they
were wearing the traditional Nigerian cloths. They even spoke with the Nigerian ascend, and
they seemed to be unique from the others. They also seemed to be in a romantic relationship with
the way they moved and cuddled each other. The moved straight to the benches under the trees
where there was a cool breeze. They took out their Pizza, and they were deep in romantic
conversations. Later, the moved from the trees back the open grass where they could have a good
view of the high.
Their Nigerian attire made them stand out from the rest of the other people as some of the
Mexican students request for a photo with them. This indicated that the city was a metropolitan
region which accommodated people from diverse cultures. They then moved to the pillars to
have a view of the mural; it seemed that they were in a rush and they did not stay in the park for
quite some time.
The Pizza seller
My thought turned to the Pizza seller and how the park had made him busy throughout.
Many people were buying Pizza to keep them busy during their stay in the park. It seemed that
the man got a lot of profits from the sale of these Pizza. Student’s, couples, old people, and even
children preferred to buy the Pizza to help them in the recreational process. The man seemed to
be happy with his work despite a large number of people who flocked his workplace. I thought
that it must be a tiresome experience to serve all those people, but again, it is not every day. His
communication skills were also perfect, and he understood how to deal with his customers. He
has a solution for every problem the customers had, and they always got out of the place happy
and satisfied.
His services were also enticing, and despite been the only Pizza seller in the place, he
made sure that his customers were satisfied. One unique situation he did was to buy a Pizza for
one of the kids who had her birthday in the park. The family had gathered in the place, and after
they bought it for every family member, the seller told them he would buy the kid a Pizza as her
birthday present. From the reaction of the child, she felt that her birthday had been blessed so
much by the seller. Many people who were in the surrounding were perplexed by the actions of
the man. I thought it was a good move for improving his relationship with his buyers. I also

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Insert surname 1 Student’s name Professor’s name Course Date A visit to the Chicano Park (Ethnography) The Mexican couples and the murals Once I arrived in the park, I decided to take a cold-drinking juice which would keep me busy during the observation period. I headed straight to the bench where I can get a strong few of the entire park and the same time get a cool breeze. My first observation that most of the people in the park were of Mexican-American or Mexican-immigrants. This was because most of the people in Central San Diego are of the same origin. I thus noticed that many people were heading to the Murals of the park. Two of the young people went straight to the Murals under the bridges. I had to move towards them as they seem to have some interest in them. One of the city wrkers told them that the murals were painted by the neighbors who were fighting against their eviction in the park in the 1970s. Thus they depict the different cultures of the Chicano culture with a lot of mythology in them. They also highlight the struggle for the immigrants and feminism. On the other hand, other portrays their Civil Right Leaders like Cesar Chavez. I learned that the students we ...
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