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Ethics and Criminal Justice Essay

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Ethics and Criminal Justice System
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Ethics and Criminal Justice Practice
The criminal justice ethics, like ethics in other areas, needs foundation. For this, it is not
uncommon for some scholars of this discipline to resort to socially accepted morals each socio-
cultural environment. Without firm foundations, then what is ethical today may be unethical
tomorrow. Slavery is a good example. It was legal in the past but is now illegal. Similarly, as the
essay will demonstrate, death penalty, which is still legal in some states, may become illegal in
future if utilitarianism theory of ethics is considered.
Slavery was widely accepted by white colonial Virginians, as historian Edmund Morgan
recalled, in his well-known book American Slavery, American Freedom (1975). There was not
much rejection for moral reasons. It was argued that slavery was good for slaves, as their owners
assumed the burden of feeding them, dressing them and giving them religious instruction. Whites
also had good economic and political reasons, since slavery provided prosperity to Virginia and
the possibility of having a representative and democratic government, far from populism.
However, things changed following Civil Rights Movement.
According to right-based theory, all human beings are born equal and free (Collins,
2019). They should all be accorded respect, fairness, and dignity. The declaration also dictates
that no person should be held into slavery, and the slave trade has to be prevented in any form. It
resulted in discrimination, disadvantages certain people over the others. Another fact one would
understand about slavery is that it promoted racism. There were certain kinds of people who
were to be enslaved, for example, Africans. Such an act was abusive to human beings as it
degraded, discriminated, exploited, and abused their universal rights.

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Running head: ETHICS AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Ethics and Criminal Justice System Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 ETHICS AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 2 Ethics and Criminal Justice Practice The criminal justice ethics, like ethics in other areas, needs foundation. For this, it is not uncommon for some scholars of this discipline to resort to socially accepted morals each sociocultural environment. Without firm foundations, then what is ethical today may be unethical tomorrow. Slavery is a good example. It was legal in the past but is now illegal. Similarly, as the essay will demonstrate, death penalty, which is still legal in some states, may become illegal in future if utilitarianism theory of ethics is considered. Slavery was widely accepted by white colonial Virginians, as historian Edmund Morgan recalled, in his well-known book American Slavery, American Freedom (1975). There was not much rejection for moral reasons. It was argued that slavery was good for slaves, as their owners assumed the burden of feeding them, dressing them and giving them religious instruction. Whites also had good economic and political reasons, since slavery provided prosperity to Virginia and the possibility of having a representative and democratic government, far from populism. However, things changed following Civil Rights Movement. According to right-based theory, all human beings are born equal and free (Collins, 2019). They should all be accorded respect, fairness, and ...
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