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Situational Prevention of Terrorism Paper

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Political Science
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Research Proposal

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Counterterrorism: Situational Prevention of Terrorism
The September 11 terrorists’ attacks resulted in a wakeup call within the counterterrorism
community especially due to the fact that the terrorists exploited vulnerabilities within the
systems. The attacks also revealed that although terrorist acts are relatively rare criminal events,
they are unique in that they create a huge potential for escalation of animosities and wars
between different communities and states. Therefore, this topic is of importance to me because I
was directly and indirectly affected by the attack and the aftermath events. Furthermore, as a
longtime observer of the counterterrorism efforts, I have seen how terrorists have managed to
adapt their tactics in response to the global war on terror. In the West, they have moved from
large-scale coordinated attacks to lone wolf attacks inspired mostly by internet videos and social
media sites (Gordon, Sharan, and Florescu, 2015; Brynielsson, J et al, 2013; Teich, 2013). These
are citizens born and raised within the communities such that it is hard for law-enforcement
agents to suspect any unusual change in behaviors or activities before they carry out the attacks.
The recent lone wolf attacks in cities like Boston, Brussels, and Canadian Parliament have taken
me by surprise because although they are less sophisticated, they possess serious consequences
on the affected cities way of life. The targets are extensively affected in terms of heightened fear
of each other in public trains and parks, stress and unhealthy media consumption (Braithwaite,
2013). Other negative outcomes include decreased productivity due to workplace disruptions and
job burnout as a result of negative attitudes, adverse behaviors, and resource loss. Furthermore,
existing counterterrorism measures are finding it hard to identify how the individual radicalizes
despite having access to the most supportive socio-psychological provisions, and then deciding

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Running head: RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1 Research Proposal (Name) (University) RESEARCH PROPOSAL 2 Counterterrorism: Situational Prevention of Terrorism Background The September 11 terrorists’ attacks resulted in a wakeup call within the counterterrorism community especially due to the fact that the terrorists exploited vulnerabilities within the systems. The attacks also revealed that although terrorist acts are relatively rare criminal events, they are unique in that they create a huge potential for escalation of animosities and wars between different communities and states. Therefore, this topic is of importance to me because I was directly and indirectly affected by the attack and the aftermath events. Furthermore, as a longtime observer of the counterterrorism efforts, I have seen how terrorists have managed to adapt their tactics in response to the global war on terror. In the West, they have moved from large-scale coordinated attacks to lone wolf attacks inspired mostly by internet videos and social media sites (Gordon, Sharan, and Florescu, 2015; Brynielsson, J et al, 2013; Teich, 2013). These are citizens born and raised within the communities such that it is hard for law-enforcement agents to suspect any unusual change in behaviors or activities before they carry out the attacks. The recent lone wolf attacks in cities like Boston, Brussels, and Canadian Parliament have taken me by surprise because although they are less sophisticated, they possess serious consequen ...
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