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Cognitive Therapy Discussion

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Cognitive Therapy
Institutional Affiliation

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To a great extent, I agree with your discussion on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Your
discussion explains how a person’s thoughts and cognitions could be harmful or otherwise
depending on the meaning people attach to them. Having seen it first hand, I concur with the
notion that cognitions are affected by several external pre-existing factors, which include but are
not limited to; a person’s childhood, trauma, learning, and genetics. According to you, CBT is
useful in changing people’s attitudes and behavior by exploring their cognitive processes and
how they translate into behavior and emotions.
I find the fact that people can exercise control over their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors very
relatable and authentic. We are generally rational or irrational beings with the innate ability to
pick right from wrong, and left from right. As such, the Rational Emotional Behavior Therapy
(REBT) could not put it any clearer that human beings are always programmed to distinguish
and pick between favorable and unfavorable alternatives at will (David, Cristea, & Hofmann,
Therapists generally need to develop a friendly, warm relationship even as they maintain high
standards of professionalism (David, Cristea, & Hofmann, 2018). Your post offers an excellent
basis for further discussion on the approaches of therapy and even the application of religious
texts in providing the best care in therapy. I now know a little more about the application of role-
playing from your post, which I must say makes me understand the importance of it in therapy.

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Running Head: COGNITIVE THERAPY 1 Cognitive Therapy Name Institutional Affiliation COGNITIVE THERAPY 2 To a great extent, I agree with your discussion on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Your discussion explains how a person’s thoughts and cognitions could be harmful or otherwise depending on the meaning people attach to them. Having seen it first hand, I concur with the notion that cognitions are affected by several external pre-existing factors, which include but are not limited to; a person’s childhood, trauma, learning, and genetics. According to you, CBT is useful in changing people’s attitudes and behavior by exploring their cognitive processes and how they translate into behavior and emotions. I find the fact that people can exercise control over their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors very relatable and authentic. We are generally rational or irrational beings with ...
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